Hi everyone!

I'm wishing you well from my cozy little home on a farm near downtown Santa Cruz! I just had a sweet sit spot that really disengaged all sorts of emotional mind chatter while enjoying the beautiful clouds- don't you love that? 

I want to extend a very special invitation to the Nature Connection, Permaculture and Grow Food Party Crew communities in the Bay Area to join me for an Introduction to the Landmark Forum that I am hosting specifically for people who care for nature and our future.

I have personally found Landmark's courses to be a tremendous benefit to my work and my life. So that's why I've put together this Community Introduction to the Landmark Forum coming this Thursday, April 22 from 6-9PM. It's going to be at 413 Hill St. in Capitola, CA.

The Introduction is not only an overview of Landmark's 3-Day intensive - we actually take some of the best parts and go apply the exercises to our life. This Introduction causes breakthroughs and everyone leaves with new possibilities for their life.

So whether your feeling stuck in any way or are totally thriving and want to launch into a new world of creativity and power, come check out this Introduction to the Landmark Forum. It will also be an opportunity to register, so bring your calendar and check book or credit card - you won't want to miss the opportunity when you experience the power of this work.

If you have questions or want to come, please call me to RSVP. If you can't make it, but are interested in something in the future, let me know.


Devin Slavin
Regenerative Design & Mentoring
Office: (831) 704-6242
Skype: AbundanceInBalance

Upcoming Events:

Getting Nature Connected and 4-Seasons Permaculture Course in Santa Cruz, CA - April 16, 2010
Visit www.jonyoung.org/getnature for registration and more info.


Fresh video from Grow Food Party Crew Santa Cruz!

Latest video from our Creating an Edible Oasis workshop:

Check out the official Grow Food Party Crew video: