Hello friends and permaculture lovers,

Cascadia Permaculture is offering three courses this summer with Jude Hobbs.  We're trying to get the word out about these courses, and would greatly appreciate it if you would pass the information along to your friends, groups and organizations.

An Introduction to Permaculture: A Design Workshop for Women
June 24-26, 2011

Advanced Permaculture Workshop:  Creating an Edible Food Forest
 July 30-31, 2011

Advanced Permaculture Course in Teaching
August 7-13, Practicum August 15-16

Details of the courses are below, or you can find more information on the website at cascadiapermaculture.com.

Thank you for your help.  Hope to see you soon.
Jude Hobbs
Cascadia Permaculture

An Introduction to Permaculture: A Design Workshop for Women
Dates: June 24-26, 2011
Friday 5:00 - Sunday 4:00
Instructors: Jude Hobbs and Guests
Location: Wilson Creek Gardens, Cottage Grove, Oregon
Cost $275 Includes: camping and fabulous meals
Contact: cascadiapc@gmail.com
This workshop will create a comfortable, supportive and fun setting for women to learn Permaculture principles, strategies and basic techniques.  By considering Whole Systems Design, the workshop will focus on examples of how to evolve efficient, bountiful and beautiful environments.  Lecture, group discussions, slide shows, hands-on activities and networking are used to present permaculture design theory and practice.  We learn how to integrate functional elements in urban and rural properties by considering the land, water catchment, plants, animals and more.

Advanced Permaculture Workshop:  Creating an Edible Food Forest
Dates: July 30-31, 2011
Saturday 9:00 - Sunday 4:00
Instructor: Jude Hobbs
Location: Wilson Creek Gardens, Cottage Grove, Oregon
Cost: $200 Includes camping and fabulous meals
Learn techniques of how to create a landscape with year round beauty and productivity by including food plants to enhance sustainable practices on any site.  Starting with observation, site analysis and needs assessment, we will design and implement a forest garden.  By planting trees, shrubs, vines, vegetables, flowers and medicinal and culinary herbs that work together, we will establish a diverse perennial polyculture.  This workshop is applicable for the homeowner and professional, concentrating on practical designs with interactive lectures, group discussions, slide shows, hands-on applications and networking.

Advanced Permaculture Course in Teaching
Dates: August 7-13, Practicum August 15-16
Instructors: Jude Hobbs and Andrew Millison
Location: Wilson Creek Gardens
Cost $825
Includes course materials, camping and 3 socially conscious meals a day
Early Registration discount of $50 by July 25
Contact: cascadiapc@gmail.com for updated information
Prerequisite: Permaculture Design Course Certificate of Experience in Permaculture

This dynamic and interactive course teaches significant techniques to communicate permaculture principles and strategies in a wide variety of settings.  Permaculture Teacher Training unfolds as a design methodology and advocates the Permaculture Design Course Curriculum.
We encourage and inspire your unique strengths and talents by demonstrating diverse teaching modalities such as lecture, facilitating class discussions, storytelling and use of visual aids.  In this setting of active learning, you will experience essential hands-on practice by preparing and co-teaching several presentations.  As a final course project, the class will present a workshop to the public.
Jude Hobbs has taught this course since 2000, and it is modeled after the advanced course in Teaching and Design she took with world-renowned permaculture instructors, Max Lindeggar and Lea Harrison in 1990.  This is a Certificate Course offered by the Cascadia Permaculture Institute in collaboration with Permaculture Institute USA. 
Prerequisite: Permaculture Design Course Certificate or instructor approval

All courses held at Wilson Creek Gardens.  Coined a “permie wonderland” by one of our students, the multiple micro-climates nurture the soul and demonstrate an evolving living canvas of Permaculture systems being effectively woven into an existing site.

Cascadia Permaculture