Curious about water harvesting swales?  Have you been thinking about installing a rainwater harvesting tank?  How about growing your own food?

Come see a Permaculture system in action.  The Permaculture Skills Center will be offering a tour of our 5 acre site.  You will learn how to drought proof your landscape.  You will learn how to apply these methods on a medium sized farm to urban homestead.

This tour will be fun, informative and inspiring.  You will leave ready to create your own system where you live or share what you learned with your own community.

If you have been interested in taking any education programs the Permaculture Skills Center offers or want to learn what we have, those questions will be answered to.  This tour is for you and not to be missed.  Come with questions and we'll be ready to answer them.

The Tour will take place on Saturday March 1st from 10-1pm.  There is a $10 donatation to cover our time away from the farm, but if you don't have funds you can also join us before or after to help us out on some projects.

We'll see you there. Address below:

2185 Hwy 116 South
Sebastopol, CA 95472
(707) 824-0836