Santa Barbara Permaculture Network ECO-Film Night
featuring The Next Industrial Revolution
Thursday, Aug. 22, 7pm $3 donation
Santa Barbara Public Library, Faulkner Gallery

        Santa Barbara Permaculture Network continues its environmental films series this summer with The Next Industrial Revolution, a new film for business, environmentalists, educators and designers, about the birth of the sustainable economy, with architect William McDonough and chemist Michael Braungart, narrated by Susan Sarandon.
        Does commerce hold the key to saving the planet?  While some environmental observers predict doomsday scenarios in which a rapidly increasing human population is forced to compete for ever scarcer natural resources, Bill McDonough sees a more exciting and hopeful future.  In his vision, humanity takes nature itself as our guide, reinventing technical enterprises to be as safe and ever-renewing as natural processes.   Can't happen?  It's already happening with companies like Ford Motor Company, Nike, Herman Miller Furniture factory and others.  Beyond recycling, beyond eco-efficiency a revolution has begun.  It's a part of what McDonough and his partner, chemist Michael Braungart call The Next Industrial Revolution .
Santa Barbara Permaculture Network
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        William McDonough and Michael Braungart are co-authors of the recently released book, "Cradle to Cradle",  McDonough is an architect by training,  and Braungart a chemist,  together they formed the sustainable product design firm,  McDonough Braungart Design Chemistry.  Owen Dell local Landscape Architect and Watershed Activist will be the special guest speaker at the EcoFilm Night.
        The Eco-Film night will take place at the Santa Barbara Public Library, Faulkner Gallery, on August 22, at 7pm for a donation of $3. The library is located at 40 E. Anapamu St, in downtown Santa Barbara.  For more information call (805)962-2571, or or email
Website film info:
