hi everyone
        New book Legacy: A Story of Hope for a Time of Environmental Crisis by Joanne Poyourow a resident of Los Angeles  , go to her website to learn more about her book and her work

here is an email that was sent to the Permaculture folks in Portland from Joan
"At an August 2005 talk in Santa Barbara, CA, David Holmgren emphasized how Permaculture applied to much more than simply land and nature stewardship, how our mission at this point is to apply Permaculture concepts to all realms of society.  Legacy does this, from within urban confines.  Legacy contains diverse illustrations of Holmgren's Permaculture Principles, and offers these in a meaningful story which is accessible to mainstream, non-Permaculture trained, readers."


Legacy: A Story of Hope for a Time of Environmental Crisis
by Joanne Poyourow   http://legacyla.net/
ISBN 1-58939-789-4
available through VBW Publishers

"Legacy: A Story of Hope for a Time of Environmental Crisis" by Joanne Poyourow
  Price:$15.95 http://www.virtualbookworm.com/legacy

ISBN 1-58939-789-4. Softcover. $15.95. 386 pages.
What if a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens set out to change the world ... and did?!

Tia Chandler's status-conscious West Los Angeles lifestyle of SUVs, sterile corporate offices and shopping malls all changes the day her father is brutally murdered. Through her father's radical environmental books, Tia learns of the crisis around her, and is horrified that her lifestyle is contributing to it. At a gathering of environmental activists, Tia meets Ari Damek, a driven, purposeful negotiator who works with U.N. delegations for the Kyoto Protocol. From their first date, he speaks of Legacy: how the choices we make now will affect the generations to come.

A story of love and heroism, Legacy integrates climate change forecasts and real solutions. It brings alive technologies and proposals from today's leading environmental scientists, economists and political thinkers. This is a tale of possibilities.

Join Tia, Ari, their circle of activist friends, and their children on a 40-year journey, battling consumerism, coping with climate change and sea level rise, restoring wildlife ecosystems, wrestling national policies and international treaties, counteracting citizen apathy with both grassroots and top-down approaches. Legacy envisions the wonder that can be if we work together toward a more sustainable future. Come join us.

A native Southern Californian, Joanne Poyourow lives in Los Angeles with her husband and two children, in the midst of an edible landscaping garden.


What if there were ...

 a passionate circle of environmentalists working together, restoring every facet of life
 a major city, transformed to Sustainability, in the midst of the 5th largest economy in the world
 international cooperation that stabilized global warming
 a heroic man who thought in terms of generations rather than years
 a family that reached more than seven generations into the future
 a place for you, to become a part of the story ....

Table of Contents

 The Permaculture Flower 

Part One

We must be willing to get rid of the life we’ve planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us. The old skin has to be shed before the new one can come.
-- Joseph Campbell
Chapter 1       
Chapter 2       
Chapter 3       
Time to Choose
Part Two

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.
  -- Margaret Meade

Chapter 4       
Chapter 5       
Chapter 6       
No Longer a Small Group
Chapter 7       
A Lot of Courage
Chapter 8       
Healing the Earth

Part Three

Most of the things worth doing in the world have been declared impossible before they were done.
   -- Louis Brandeis

Chapter 9       
Chapter 10      
Chapter 11      
The Transformation Wave
Nonfiction footnotes

Author Biography

Joanne Poyourow excels at integrating broad theories from multiple disciplines. She distills complex issues down to clear examples which people can understand.
She has worked with multinational corporations and their executives, and volunteered alongside the parents of inner city schoolchildren. She has created grassroots community-building networks, and designed workshops about Purpose and Legacy.

Through her experience with organics, native plants, edble landscaping, Permaculture, wildlife and soils, she has a tangible sense of the web of life, and the disconnection between modern city lifestyles and this natural wonder. As a past manager and trainer to community-rallying service projects, Joanne knows well the power of a positive vision.

Joanne’s diverse knowledge base includes environmental issues, financial markets, literature, history, alternative learning, philosophy and psychology. Her favorite word to describe herself is 'multiplicity.' As a storyteller Joanne is deeply connected with the fears of everyman, together with our need for noble heroes.

She is a columnist at the international network Gardening Organically at YahooGroups, and is a founding member and speaker at Environmental Change-Makers, an environmental action support group in Los Angeles. She holds a B.A. in Business Economics from the University of California at Santa Barbara, and was a C.P.A. in public practice for 13 years.

A native Southern Californian, she lives with her family in Los Angeles in the midst of an edible landscaping garden, where her squash plants, parsnips and chard have been known to get a bit on the wild side.

Specialization tends to limit the field of problems that the specialist is concerned with. Now, the person who isn't a specialist, but a generalist like myself, sees something over here that he has learned from one specialist, something over there that he has learned from another specialist - and neither of them has considered the problem of why this occurs here and also there. So the generalist - and that's a derogatory term, by the way, for academics - gets into a range of other problems that are more genuinely human, you might say, than specifically cultural.

--Joseph Campbell, The Power of Myth

It is refreshing to find an upbeat book about such an overwhelming subject! And even better, to read a positive social and technological plan to combat global warming, instead of the doomed or helpless attitudes that abound, or 'the sky is falling' articles with no ideas or plan for how to change. It was great to find out that the technologies described are real and to read a coherent description of the politics involved.
-- "bhan," online review

We have quite a bit of apocalyptic imagining in our precarious time;
it's sweet and sensible to balance it with a glimpse or two of the world we might build if we got down to work.
-- Bill McKibben

The book was very thought-provoking,
and the author did a wonderful job of presenting the challenges we will be facing and a comprehensive blueprint for dealing with them. She wove it into a nicely developed plot and personal story, which will attract a reader who might not otherwise take the time or trouble to learn about these things.
The book did a beautiful job of putting things into perspective, which
often times gets lost in the clutter of the 10,000 environmental issues
that pop up and become the focus of debate.
-- DP, Cypress, CA

I am completely blown away. I can’t even express how impressed I am not only with the depth of the subjects but with the writing. I have a stack of books I’m trying to read right now but I’m glued to this one. The book is inspiring me to take action and make my own contributions towards sustainability.
-- PB, Stevensville, MD

Photo credit: Colonial Williamsburg Garden 3 by Brian Deihl, New Berlin, PA

©2005 Joanne Poyourow All Rights Reserved