Dear South Coast Permaculture Guild and other friends,
We need your help in Ventura this weekend! 
The Scoop - Rachel and Doug's Work Party:
Sunday, April 9th*
Starting at 11 a.m.
(We'll be going over the concepts of laying the rocks at 11)
(If you can't make it by 11 - please come help anyway!!)
345 West Center St., Ventura, CA  93001
We are building a "rock" foundation for our earthen (cob), garden studio.
We're recycling concrete slab from the back yard for the "rocks", and using a natural mortar of sand and clay.
Last week, we had a great work party and got the foundation/stem wall almost half built. Hopefully we'll come close to completing it this Sunday.
If you come, you will get a chance to lay urbanite, break concrete slab, mix and apply mortar, eat good food, and listen to tunes.
Lunch, snacks, and drinks will be provided. Please be sure to bring gloves and heavy shoes or work boots and maybe a light jacket. Also, please RSVP if you're coming so I know how much food to make.
A huge thank you to everyone who has already come over and helped make this project come alive! I'll get the latest pictures up, but here is our blog for now:
*Apologies to those friends who requested a Saturday workday. I'm organizing a film festival and sustainable living panel this Saturday, April 8th at the Underground. Should be way cool too.
Peace and Health,