Thurs May 18,  7pm  Lecture Slide show  with Jenny Pell, Permaculture Teacher from Port Townsend, WA
ISLA VISTA THEATER 970 Embarcadero Del Norte Goleta, CA 93117
Students Organizations at University of California of Santa Barbara have sponsored the event

Sat May 20  Workshop "Planting Fruit Tree Guilds" with Jenny Pell  (times to be announced)
Monte Vista Public School at the Orchard Garden, 730 Hope Avenue Santa Barbara (Mountain Side off State St)

This will be a 4 hour workshop on Hands on Planting  of Fruit Tree Guilds  ( planting plants that nurture, protect from and attracts insect, co exist together in mutual interactions with the fruit trees, plants are planted around the fruit trees)
Contact Margie Bushman 805-962-2571 ,Santa Barbara Permaculture Network for more details and times on Workshop

Monte Vista Orchard Garden created in March 2005 with the help of Common Vision Fruit Tree Planting Caravan (  and the Santa Barbara Permaculture Guild members, parents and children and inspired by teacher Judy Sims , over 20 fruit trees and understory of plants, annual, perennial has flourish over the year as many groups have assisted the garden, it is an ongoing experiment on planting Orchard Gardens at Schools to create wild and cultivated food growing areas in public spaces , come help and observe

Permaculture speaks of guilds as associations of mutually beneficial plants. In cultivating annual plants, people usually talk about "companion planting", but the concept of "plant guild" takes the concept up a notch or two. Guilds are an area of on-going research and observation in permaculture, and a lot of experimentation is going on.

Jenny Pell, President of The Wilder Institute, Next Generation Permaculture, will be presenting a slide show and lecture about their exciting and dynamic permaculture work in the Pacific NW, Central America, and Hawaii. Jenny's latest project in Nicaragua was teaching a comprehensive hands-on design intensive for single mothers and children which included building potable water filters, plant propagation, making infusions and tinctures from medicinal plants, women's health, zone one design, grey water guilds, ecoliteracy, art, and music. Currently Jenny is working on expanding local agricultural solutions and local self-sufficiency initiatives in her hometown of Port Townsend, WA, and has launched a "Permaculture All-Stars Edible Plant Nursery and Horticultural Workshop Series" in a broadscale effort to bring more cultivated diversity, and more permaculture skills into her community. For more information about The Wilder Institute please visit

Contact Margie Bushman 805-962-2571 for more details and times on Workshop