Native Planting Workshop and Restoration Day
Saturday, October 21, 2006, 10am - 1pm
Stevens Park, 258 Canon Drive, Santa Barbara, CA

Join Carol Bornstein of the Santa Barbara Botanic Garden for a morning filled with tips and tricks about working with native plants.  As you plant native plants along San Roque Creek at Stevens Park, Carol will provide tips on designing your own backyard and choosing native plants at this hands-on educational workshop and community planting day.  Bagels and coffee provided.

This community planting day is part of the San Roque Creek Stewardship Project, which is coordinated by the City of Santa Barbara Creeks Division, in partnership with the Santa Barbara Botanic Garden, and is funded through a grant from Santa Barbara Beautiful and by hotel visitors through Measure B.

The goal of this project is to build stewardship through community restoration and to educate residents about the water quality benefits of using native plants in backyards and gardens.

For more information, call 897-2606, or visit