Hey Everyone!
Check out what's starting up in Southern California (and quickly spreading elsewhere):
Imagine the feeling of abundance everywhere you go. Walking through your neighborhood or down city streets, the land has a feeling of being cared for and it's obvious – each area is uniquely beautiful and provides food, medicine, fuel and so many other yields year round. People are actually interacting – sharing resources and stories about daily life – taking care of each other. Our community has real wealth and power and we are all creating it in our own special way.

The Grow Food Party Crew is a collective of people manifesting this vision. We are literally a crew of party people traveling from neighborhood to neighborhood transforming the land through celebration – music, food, dance, play, laughter and hard work.

In the course of a single day we create organic veggie gardens, food forests, water catchment systems, and earthen or natural structures. At night we continue to party down hard - on site or all around town. After all our fun is had, a community resource is created forever!

We need gardeners, artists, musicians, chefs, healers, undercover clowns, kids, elders, EVERYONE, and the places we're going to transform. This is your community, your town, your vision, your party crew.


To join us in creating abundance:

Check out www.myspace.com/growfoodpartycrew - this will be a place to get the most up to date info about what's going on.

Email growfoodpartycrew@gmail.com to get on our mailing list. Also, send us your brilliant ideas of how we can make this even more exciting and let us know what where you want to go with this!

Spread the word. Get your friends and family stoked. Then have us come over and trick out your yard!

UPDATE: Be ready to party down sometime in February! We will be creating a rockin' garden for a young family in Oxnard. We're looking at Feb. 16 or 17.

To dirty fingernails, big laughs and full bellies!


Devin Slavin
Regenerative Design & Education

What are you grateful for?