To our Santa Barbara and Ventura County families:
Wilderness Youth Project is excited to announce the first of our permaculture series starting this spring. Please pass the word along to anyone who'd like their children to experience wild fun creating solutions!

Food, Fire & Mud: Building an Earthen Oven

Apr. 14 - May 30
3:00-6:00 pm  Pickup & Drop off at
Tuckers Grove  $175-$350
per session  Ages 11 - 14

This eight week learning journey will take us on an exploration of our relationship to the abundant landscape by getting dirty and building an earthen oven! We will visit, tend and harvest from local gardens, wander wild lands and wild craft, start fire by friction, design and build an earthen oven from scratch, and finish off with a fantastic oven-roasted wild feast! Through the weaving of permaculture and nature awareness, we will create real solutions for bringing about a peaceful and abundant future.

Devin Slavin
Regenerative Design & Education

What are you grateful for?