Top Permaculture Things You Can Do Right Now to Make a Better World Print E-mail
By Larry Santoyo

Because you’ve already changed your light bulbs and you turn off the water while brushing your teeth... 

1) Swan Song for your Lawn!
The best thing about lawns is... they are so easy to remove! Actually, no need to remove -- just  smother them.  With the technique known as sheet mulching, you just cover the grass and weeds with cardboard, pile on compost and mulch, and you’re done.  You’re instantly ready for planting something a lot more interesting and useful.  ‘Cause really, once the kids are grown, most lawns go unused, except for the regular demands of water, fertilizer and the time and energy spend in mowing and tending to them.  Lawns use more agricultural chemicals and biocides than all of agriculture! Eliminate lawns, and you immediately decrease a source of toxins in your surrounding environment. Replace with a mix of flowers, vegetables and herbs -- and keep it all growing with:

Create a Home Theater Like the Pros. Watch the video on AOL Home.