Both for the increasing numbers of press inquiries and for a book proposal I'm writing, I'm collecting first-person accounts of peoples' experiences with eco-anxiety. I welcome responses from people of all ages, but the press is especially interested in young people's feelings about this.   Please send all replies to me at, not to this list. 
And if you need anonymity, let me know.  Or if you're willing to discuss this in an interview with a journalist or on a TV show, let me know that as well.  For example, right now Good Morning America is seeking someone experiencing eco-anxiety for a show they're doing.
Here are some questions to trigger your thoughts, but feel free to just e-mail me with free-form thoughts... And please feel free to pass this e-mail along to other groups or your friends who might have an interest.
When did you first become worried about our environmental situation?
What, if anything, really triggered it into high gear?
Do you have disagreements with loved ones and friends who don't understand your concerns or are disgruntled about practical "green" things you're doing - eating or not eating certain foods, avoiding driving, recycling, using less water, buying nontoxic products, etc.?
Do you have anxiety or other emotional reactions to TV news reports or documentaries about environmental issues?
Do you think it's too late to avoid the worst consequences of global warming and resource depletions?
Do you worry about the world we're leaving our kids?
What helps relieve these anxieties?
Are you involved in any green organizations or activities?  Does this help or make you more anxious?
Are you involved in finding/creating solutions to the "triple-threat" of global warming, resource depletion, economic disruption and to other environmental challenges?
Are your friends concerned as well or do you feel alone in your concerns?
Who do you talk to about these concerns?
I look forward to reading your thoughts and experiences,
Linda Buzzell, M.A., M.F.T.
Natural Lifestyle Therapy, Sustainable Careers, Recovery from Consumerism
Founder, International Association for Ecotherapy
Co-Editor, Ecotherapy: Healing with Nature in Mind (Sierra Club Books 2009)
Editor, Ecotherapy News
Graduate, Permaculture Design Course 2006
Santa Barbara and Los Angeles
(805) 563-2089 (310) 553-9660

"...those with psychological training may play as important a role in our collective adaptation to Peak Oil and Climate Change as energy experts and permaculturists. (They) should perhaps be gearing up to treat not only individuals but whole communities."

    Richard Heinberg, author of The Party's Over and Peak Everything

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