"Life After Oil" series

Come join the Environmental Change-Makers
as we explore the twin opportunities of peak oil and climate change.

Sunday, Sept 14, 6pm:  Movie "The End of Suburbia" followed by
community discussion to address what has been wryly called "post
petroleum stress syndrome"

Saturday, Sept 20, 9am-5pm:  "Life After Oil" - a full day session
exploring the "Transition Town" concept mapped by UK community
organizer, Rob Hopkins.  The Transition Town concept coordinates
grassroots responses to peak oil and climate change, cultivating a
"Transition" to a lower carbon, lower energy society.  Our day will
include a presentation on global warming impacts on California by Dr.
John Dorsey, Chair of the Natural Science Department at Loyola
Marymount University, and video presentations by Transition Towns
founder, Rob Hopkins.  We'll hold working sessions to begin the
Transition Town process here in Los Angeles.  Agenda details and
registration information are at http://envirochangemakers.org/TTLA.htm

Thursday, Sept 25, 7pm:  Peak Oil Community Discussion, the first
followup event to the "Life After Oil" session.  We'll use the "world
cafe" style of discussion to explore application of Transition Towns
ideas here in Los Angeles.  We'll discuss practical steps about
community-based solutions to peak oil and climate change.

Our October meeting, "Power Down," will also focus on peak oil and
climate change solutions (Oct 23, 7pm).  "Power Down" is the term for
lifestyles which demand less energy overall, than the current energy-
intense habits we have become accustomed to.  We'll discuss practical
steps about what you can do in your own lifestyle to prepare for a
lower carbon, lower energy future.

All sessions will take place at the Community Hall of Holy Nativity,
6700 W. 83rd, Westchester (LA 90045).See more about our "Life After
Oil" conference online at www.envirochangemakers.org

We hope you can join us for this exciting leap into our very real

Peak Oil resources http://www.energybulletin.net/primer.php
Climate Change resources for California
a much longer list of resources is available at http://envirochangemakers.org/TTLA.htm