Note: These trainings prepare people to implement the Transition protocol developed by permaculture teacher Rob Hopkins and outlined in his new book "The Transition Handbook: From Oil Depletion to Local Resilience."
Dear All,
We are pleased to be able to offer the Transition Training courses here in Northern California in November / December 2008.
Training for Transition (T4T): The first 2-day course is scheduled for November 17, 18 in the San Francisco area. The exact location is yet to be confirmed. The cost of attending T4T is $200. Depending on the level of interest, we will schedule a second T4T in the Bay area for early December.
Training the Trainers (TTT): The first 4-day course is scheduled for November 20, 21, 22, 23 also in the San Francisco area. The exact location is yet to be confirmed. The cost of attending TTT is $500.
For anyone that takes both courses, the cost is $600.
Both courses will be taught by Naresh and Sophy who put together the original Transition Training courses in the UK.

We would like to offer bursaries to those who want to take the training but are short of funds. If any of you are willing to make a donation over and above the course fees, we will apply your donation to the bursary fund.

The Transition Training courses are being co-ordinated by Carolyn Stayton. Please contact her at for further information, all bookings and enquiries.
Carolyne took the "Training for Transition" course in Totnes, Devon earlier this year from Naresh and Sophy. Carolyne has a master's degree in Nonprofit Administration from the University of San Francisco and has spent her career developing programs in the charitable sector. She is passionate about the Transition movement and is helping to develop Transition Initiatives in the US.  

I hope that as many of you as possible take the T4T training - it will really help to get Transition Initiatives off the ground in your communities. And if we can increase the group of Transition Trainers through attendees at TTT, we will be able to offer more extensive and speedier coverage of the US. We have no time to lose!
Best regards,

Transition Network - tackling peak oil and climate change together
Pamela A Gray, PhD
Trustee, Transition Network
77 Del Casa Drive
Mill Valley, CA 94941
Tel: 415 388 8812
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