Grow Food Party Crew Presents:

Essentials of Permaculture Garden Design


Permaculture is a brilliant design system in which we look to patterns of success in nature to design our gardens, homes, and communities. We will cover the essentials of what you need to create edible gardens anywhere and design a life in harmony with all relations.


From principles of permaculture, observation and assessment tools, and designing for abundance, we will create an organic backyard garden together - step-by-step- with the intention of transforming our neighborhoods into abundant, delicious, thriving communities.


When & Where: Oct. 4 & 5 in Ventura, CA

Oct. 4 Principles & Design 10AM-4PM

Oct. 5 Garden Creation 10AM-4PM*

*2nd day is optional although learning will be exponential with the hands-on experience

Bring your own lunch (sharing is always encouraged) and be prepared to get dirty on both days!


Instructor: Devin Slavin of Abundance In Balance Design has worked with the Regenerative Design Institute for years doing permaculture projects and education and also founded the quickly spreading Grow Food Party Crew model in Ventura.


Cost: $25-50 sliding scale (trades are an option).


Registration: To register, or for questions, email, or call (805) 218-7655.


Upcoming 2008 Workshops: Water Harvesting & Greywater and Edible Forest Gardens

Devin Slavin
Regenerative Design & Education

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