HopeDance is relaunching film screenings in Santa Barbara at the Faulkner Gallery (inside the Santa Barbara Library) on 21st October at 7:00 PM, with "Free for All", a film relevant to the coming election.  Donations will be accepted at the door, for each of the series films.  
FREE FOR ALL: One Dude's Quest to Save Democracy
How did America get so off-track? Nagging doubts about the legitimacy of the 2004 election force John Ennis to get off his sofa and investigate Ohio leading up to the 2006 elections -- even though he is just some dude. He meets with journalists, politicians, election officials, professors, attorneys, activists, and everyday Ohioans in a search for truth. Along his journey, Ennis uncovers a web of schemes that swing U.S. Elections.

FREE FOR ALL! details this corruption with humor, extensive documentation, and inspiring solutions for how we can take back our elections. Personal, funny, and shockingly relevant -- this is a documentary like no other.

October 21st, 7pm at the Faulkner Gallery inside the Santa Barbara Public Library on Anapamu... 


For more details from their official website, please click HERE

If you wish to attend please click HERE at Brave New Theaters or just show up!
We would certainly like to be included in any web links of your media.  Any help you could offer in this regard would be so greatly appreciated.  
Our second offering will be "The World According to Monsanto" on 12th November, Faulkner Gallery at 7:00 PM.  Details for that film will follow, but it is a really moving, fact laden, eye opener regarding the manipulation of our global food supply and economy by the chemical industry.  Then, on 11th December, same time/same place we will screen "What About Me?" (the newest rendition of the success of the One Giant Leap fame!)  After each film, we will have relevant action information available, and local subject experts present for anyone who would like to discuss issues addressed by each film in greater depth.
Trailers for each of the films are available to view at TRAILERS.  If I can offer up any other information for you, please just send off an e-mail.  
With All Best Regards,  
 the Santa Barbara HopeDance FiLM Crew

posted by Barbara Wishingrad