Check out this article that came out in the VC Star last Saturday!

We are still looking for people who want gardens in Ventura for our Growing Gardens of Gratitude event - kicking off on Friday November 21 and gardens happening Sat. Nov. 22 and Sunday Nov. 23. Email us if you know anyone who wants a beautiful, edible garden in their front or back yard. Also, if you have a friend (or five) who wants to party down the weekend before Thanksgiving - we need your help in inviting them!

We are setting up a benefit concert one week from tomorrow and are still looking for bands who want to join in.
On Sunday Nov. 16 there will be a Grow Food Party Crew Leader Training in Ventura.

More details later and on our Google Group:

Big Thanks!

Devin Slavin
Regenerative Design & Education

What are you grateful for?