I've been lurking on this thread for a while expecting someone to mention Maureen Glimore's book.  No one has so I've dug out a post I sent to my online permaculture class when we were covering Design for Catastrophe.  Since the book was written in California and based on California experience, you folks should know about it.

Edited post below:

"Cynthia found one of the books Maureen Gilmer gave to me after she interviewed me for her radio program, several years ago.  The title of this one is The Wildfire Survival Guide (with an extensive subtitle) © 1995, Taylor Publishing, 1550 Mockingbird Ln., Dallas TX  75235 (USA).  ISBN: 0-87833-901-9

Thumbing through the book just now, I see numerous species lists, including fire resistant species with three degrees of resistance indicated, plants to AVOID in a firescape, etc. 

This book is the best single treatment that I have seen.  It is endorsed by the National Commission on Wildfire Disasters, though it does not seem to list the address of that Commission. Maybe someone in the class will do a web search.

The address of the (US) National Interagency Fire Center IS provided. 

While the book is more or less biased toward information relevant to the California Sierra Nevada region, most of the information is broadly applicable or can be easily transposed to other places where slightly different species may be best suited and where landforms and climate are different.  The book definitely addresses all climate zones, but Maureen naturally writes about what she knows best.


I hope that this is helpful.

For Mother Earth

Dan Hemenway

Our 13th Annual Permaculture Design Course Online begins Sept. 28, 2008. The protocol for our Annual Permaculture Design Course Online is at http://www.barkingfrogspermaculture.org/protocol8_4_08.pdf Simultaneously, we will begin a concurrent Permaculture Design Clinic Online, serving people who mainly wish to design their own homes.

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