Wes, are you on my mailing list? Please post if you send another email today:
Neighborhood Garden Exchanges   www.sbfoodnotlawns.org
Share your enthusiasm about gardens, growing food and community. Bring homegrown veggies, fruits, herbs, flowers, seeds, succulent cuttings, compost worms, eggs, chicken manure, baked goods, recipes, garden books and magazines, garden wisdom, garden questions, friendship, etc!
Everyone is welcome to attend any and all exchanges. It is our hope you will be inspired to organize a group in your neighborhood that will not only gather and share but also dig in the soil together.

Winchester Canyon Neighborhood Garden Exchange
Sunday, March 15
1:00 - 3:00p PM
7853 Rio Vista Dr.
Meet the folk who own www.sbveggies.com
Learn more abou t Santa Barbara’s newest CSA (Community Supported Agriculture).

Turnpike Neighborhood Exchange 
Sunday, March 15
2:00-3:30 PM
4969 La Ramada
We will have free seeds, avocados, citrus and something Irish to eat!

Marine Terrace’s Mesa Exchange 
Sunday, March 15
11:00 AM -!:00 PM 
118 Santa Rosa Place (Off Shoreline Drive)
Meet a long time kitchen gardener who dries and stores jars of her home grown beans, 
both for eating and future crops. Enjoy a beautiful koi pond and hear about dreams of a chicken coop. Learn about new garden plans for the front yard, which includes a patch of beautiful lawn.Yes, lawn can be beautiful!

Check our web site's schedule page for even more events this month.
Happy spring planting!