Just discovered this interesting article that connects two fields I love -- Linda
Permaculture, a design system that seeks to create sustainable living systems, is a field where much ecopsychological philosophy can be applied...

Once people gain an “ecopsychological” view of the world, many become interested in learning how to practice permaculture in all aspects of their lives. For some individuals it may be just simply recycling their waste every week; for others, it may be completely changing the value system that they live by and creating a new cultural way of life. Anyone can practice permaculture, in the way they garden, how they design their house, or just simply by being more conscious of the choices they make every day concerning food, energy, and water use. An ecopsychological view of the world sees the intimate relationship between the earth’s health and human health, both of which are enhanced by permaculture.

One must be centered, emotionally and mentally clear, to fully grasp the new paradigm of permaculture. From that place of awareness and intention, it is much easier to learn the related practical skills.