It's all a question of story. We are in trouble just now because we do not have a good story. We are in between stories. The old story, the account of how the world came to be and how we fit into it is no longer effective....Our challenge is to create...a new sense of what it means to be human.

Thomas Berry

As a member of the board of the Opus Archives and Research Center, located on the campuses of Pacifica Graduate Institute, I am delighted to pass along this exciting announcement from our Executive Director, Dr. Elise Collins-Shields (below).  Applications are now open until Sept 15, 2009 and on November 20, 2009 Opus will announce the names of those who will be awarded grants to study and explore the published and unpublished work held at the Opus Archives by Joseph Campbell, James Hillman, Maria Gimbutas and other eminent scholars. The goal is to glean "the gold" of the wisdom from these elders that will help our society come up with a "new story" or "new mythos" for our challenging times.
The grant is open to inspired seekers from many disciplines and positions--graduate students, faculty, independent scholars, filmmakers, visual artists, business and social entrepreneurs, environmental visionaries, storytellers, educators and those interested in social justice, peace, and reconciliation--who have demonstrated the capacity to research and produce creative work through writing, visual art, poetry, film, musical compositions, curriculum development or social enterprise.
Current final application review panel members include Barbara Marx Hubbard and Jean Houston.
More information is at  Please pass the word along to anyone who might be interested.
Linda Buzzell


July 2009

Greetings to you in the Community-at-Large – 

OPUS Archives and Research Center, located on the campuses of Pacifica Graduate Institute, is delighted to announce a new grant offering for your review and distribution to potential interested participants.   

The recently funded New Mythos Grant extends the collections held at OPUS Archives into the public sphere in support of a “new story” relevant to contemporary issues and opportunities facing the world. 

You can read about the grant below and at  All applications will be processed through our website.  Interested parties are encouraged to visit the on-line document in order to apply. 

We anticipate a lively response to this offering and to that end, we have assembled independent committees for both initial review and for final selection in order to give proper consideration to all applications.   

You are encouraged to distribute this grant notification throughout your circles of interest and influence, as defined in the grant announcement. 

The deadline for grant application is September 15, 2009 and grant awards will be announced on November 15, 2009.   

Please direct questions to our designated address at 

Thank you for your assistance in forwarding this opportunity to those who might contribute to this significant step toward imaginative manifesting of the OPUS collections into the larger cultural arena.


 Elise Collins Shields, Ph.D.

Executive Director

 Elise Collins Shields, Ph.D.

Executive Director

OPUS Archives & Research Center

located on the campuses of Pacifica Graduate Institute




It's all a question of story. We are in trouble just now because we do not have a good story. We are in between stories. The old story, the account of how the world came to be and how we fit into it is no longer effective....Our challenge is to create...a new sense of what it means to be human.

Thomas Berry


The old gods are dead or dying and people everywhere are searching, asking: What is the new mythology to be, the mythology of this unified earth as of one harmonious being?...The only myth that is going to be worth thinking about in the immediate future is one that is talking about the planet and everything on it.

Joseph Campbell


Toward the end of his life, Joseph Campbell interrupted his major work Historical Atlas of World Mythology to publish The Inner Reaches of Outer Space with an urgent message that he felt needed to be heard. That book serves as a clarion call for the discovery and development of a new myth to inform our world. That was 1986.

Since then Campbell’s call has been taken up by many and now we find ourselves in a time when the cry from most every quarter is for a new story, a new narrative, the new mythos that he wrote about. We humans are in search of a way to understand the patterns underlying the profound transformation we are currently experiencing in relationship with each other and our planet. From whence will this new mythos come? Who will tell the story? How will such a search be resourced?

The collections held by OPUS Archives and Research Center provide treasures by visionary thinkers, scholars, writers and teachers. These individuals dedicated their lives to exploring the origins of cultural stories from pre-history (Marija Gimbutas), through ancient and classic history (Joseph Campbell and Christine Downing), and into contemporary culture (James Hillman and Jane and Joseph Wheelwright), thereby laying the foundation for new research that fosters meaning and guidance for the questions held by our modern world.


OPUS is offering 5 to 7 grants to individuals or teams that show both intent and ability to seize the opportunity and take responsibility for searching OPUS’ collections for the “gold” harbored there, both published and unpublished; public and as yet unrevealed to the community-at-large. The goal is to use the OPUS archival collections in order to articulate and manifest the seeds of the new mythos, the new narrative of our time. The findings will be made available in a public forum, on OPUS’ and other websites and, if warranted, in written form. The research and project results are to be made available in a myriad of forms with a broad scope. OPUS will encourage the successful grantees to manifest their projects in whatever creative form they take.


Applicants must demonstrate the necessity of substantial on-site use of OPUS’ collections.

Who is Eligible. The grant is open to inspired seekers from many disciplines and positions--graduate students, faculty, independent scholars, filmmakers, visual artists, business and social entrepreneurs, environmental visionaries, storytellers, educators and those interested in social justice, peace, and reconciliation--who have demonstrated the capacity to research and produce creative work through writing, visual art, poetry, film, musical compositions, curriculum development or social enterprise.

Amount and Duration of Grant. Grants range between $3000 and $5000. The awarded amount will depend on the proposed project. These funds are for one (1) year of research to be conducted between December 1, 2009 and December 1, 2010.

Deadline for Submission: September 15, 2009

Notification of Awarded Grants: November 20, 2009

Granting Process. Proposals will be initially screened by a committee appointed by the OPUS board of directors. Final selections will be made by leaders in diverse fields that focus on the articulation of a new story. Current final review members include Barbara Marx Hubbard and Jean Houston.

home of collections of Joseph Campbell, Marija Gimbutas, James Hillman and other scholars