The Transition movement is a worldwide grassroots movement to prepare our local communities for the dual challenges of peak oil and climate change.  Founded in the UK, it is proactive and visionary in its scope.  Over the past year, Transition groups have been forming throughout California including on the Central Coast and throughout the Los Angeles area.
On October 10-11, a leadership training will be held in Culver City (Los Angeles area).  The "Training for Transition" (T4T) offers an in-depth look at the duality of peak oil and climate change, and teaches you the framework and structure which are being used in communities around the world to build resilience and local self-sufficiency. 
The T4T course is designed to give a detailed introduction to the most important skills necessary to successfully set up, develop, and run a Transition project in your locality.  The course offers detailed training about the key issues (peak oil, global warming, biocapacity), as well as the Transition process (the 12 steps and more). Learn fun ways to teach them. The T4T offers insight into the history and the "what worked/didn't work" of other Transition initiatives which are further along on the timeline, it gives training in group dynamics and program design, and it will touch your heart and tap into your passion for this work in ways you cannot even imagine.
You'll meet people from throughout Southern California (Culver City, West LA, Long Beach, Irvine, San Diego, and more) who are eager to get Transition going in their communities.  Trainers will be Scott McKeown (from Transition Sebastopol) and Kat Steele (from Oakland).  Registrations are now being accepted. 
Full information about the Training, including course details and registration information, is at