Hi Permaculture Community,

I am an art teacher at Dos Pueblos high school and with an enthusiastic group of students we have sheet mulched  an oval of grass about 20 X 60 feet in size and have begun plans to build a productive food forest right in the middle of campus.  (I started my first permaculture garden in my backyard inspired by many of the ideas and people this community has brought to town.)  We dug shallow swales to catch runoff from the surrounding sidewalks and a roof gutter and have piled up soil for a future herb spiral.  I have attached a photo of our site below.  Our vision is to have a lush mini-forest of low water, multi-functioning plants and flowers, Chumash medicinal herbs (white sage, yerba santa, etc.), dwarf fruit trees and some annuals.

A month and a half has passed and we're nearing the time of year when the mulch has started to break down and we could start putting things in the ground.  We are brainstorming fundraising possibilities, which I think is an important part of the process, but I also thought I would throw a request out to the community if anybody has plants, tools, compost, or other things that they would like to donate to our project.  We will take any offers, but below is a list of things that we need and if anybody has a surplus, we could definitely put it to good use.

Thank you so much!

Kevin Gleason
(805) 968-2541 ext. 268
Art Teacher
Dos Pueblos High School

digging forks
a hose and nozzle

Drip line:
we need about sixty feet of 1/2" poly drip line, 60' of the 1/8" drip line and lots of emitters to put in a drip system
to irrigate the garden as it gets established and in dry seasons.

Fruit trees (preferably that have seasons during the school year (figs, mandarins, avocado, apples, etc.)
Low water and native plants (some ceonothus would be good as a nitrogen fixer, some insectary plants and herbs would be great.
Seeds for a cover crop this winter