The Medicine Tree Project presents...

What: Native American Beadwork Workshops
When: Friday, December 4, 7-10pm (introduction)
Tuesday, December 8, 7-10pm
Wednesday, December 9, 7-10pm
Thursday, December 10, 7-10pm

Where: Private Home in Ojai: directions provided upon RSVP.
Donation: $20 + $5 materials fee. All proceeds benefit Rose and her
family in Arizona.

For generations, Native American traditions have used beadwork as an
expression of cultural wisdom and beauty. Join us on a special night of
learning and sharing with Rose Davis, Navajo elder and grandmother (and
great-grandmother). In this workshop, participants will not only learn
specific beading techniques (4 different stitches), but will have the
chance to hear stories and develop relations with each other and with
Rose, creating bridges across cultures and generations.

RSVP: Space is limited. Please confirm your space by emailing
kristenjoy at medicinetree dot org or by adding your RSVP on the Facebook event