If any of y'all are looking for a great permaculture pet that have a very small carbon footprint (unlike your dog), work really well in an urban setting, make amazing fertilizer, won't eat your local bird and lizard population (unlike your cat), can be tractored, and are so freaking cute it makes your heart just about explode please consider taking these three bunnies into your home.  They don't need you to entertain them but will be highly entertaining to you (if they are anything like my three).  I'm fairly certain they are house rabbits (much more do-able than you'd think).  If they wouldn't work for you please spread the word!
Please read the email below and respond to Amy at orioleamy@aol.com if you can help.

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: "OrioleAmy@aol.com" <OrioleAmy@aol.com>
To: socalpetrabbits@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Mon, December 28, 2009 8:58:45 PM
Subject: [SoCalPetRabbits] Fellow rabbit volunteer needs help....


A volunteer with Zooh Corner Rabbit Rescue has myasthenia gravis and can no longer care for her rabbits. She's moving in with her parents, and they're letting her bring one of her rabbits with her. She still has 3 bonded rabbits which need homes. She's been trying unsuccessfully to find homes for them, and is getting worried that she'll have to relinquish them to a shelter.

Is anyone able to help out?

Amy Spintman
Educator, San Diego HRS
http://www.sandiego rabbits.org
Cats & Rabbits & More
http://www.catsandr abbitsandmore. com
Toys & Supplies for Rabbits
Adoption Information

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