Ojai's Grow Food Party Crew presents:

Cob Pizza Oven Workshop

March 27th & 28th

Saturday 9:00am – 3:00pm & Sunday 9:00am – 2:00pm (lunch included)

Day 1: Learning how to set up and build an earthen oven.
Day 2: Finish Plaster

We will be using reclaimed and locally harvested materials as much as possible to build an earthen oven.  There will be discussions on materials and technique, and plenty of time for questions and answers. You will learn the basic skills of determining the dimensions of an earth oven, how to mix cob, base coat plaster, and finish plaster. The class is mainly hands on to give you the feeling and understanding of how to build with cob. We will also have a pizza party to celebrate!  

Instructor: Kata Polano
Kata has always spent time painting and making jewelry. She has also always been concerned for and involved with the welfare of the environment. Searching for a way to create functional, sustainable art, she found her outlet in natural building. She has made building with earth her livelihood for the past 2 years. Her work has brought her up and down the West Coast from Vancouver Island to Joshua Tree.      

“Instructor’s Initiation to Ojai” special price of $45.00 for the whole weekend, including an organic vegetarian lunch each day!  

Sliding scale available for those who need financial assistance.
Space is limited to 10 people so that each person has a chance for enough hands on experience.
You will also be given a bonus sourdough recipe!            


RSVP: growfoodpartycrew@yahoo.com 

If you miss out on this one, don’t worry, there will be more! Keep your eyes open for more flyers for Kata’s workshops.