On Tuesday, April 6th, at 7:30pm, in UCSB’s Embarcadero Hall, KCSB 91.9 FM (kcsb.org) presents the new environmental documentary “Belonging,” (http://www.belongingthedoc.com) featuring an introduction and post-film Q&A with filmmaker Gerard Ungerman (co-producer of the hard-hitting exposes of US foreign policy “The Hidden Wars of Desert Storm” and “The Oil Factor”).  This event is free and open to the public.

Narrated by Oscar-winning actor Dustin Hoffman, the film explores the questions: Is climate change the only challenge to the people of the Arctic?  What can we learn from their plight that applies to the world?  What is the scope of the environmental issues we are facing?  Is it enough to be looking for alternative sources of energy?  How can we really achieve long-term sustainability?

At a time when humanity is searching for responses to the global climate crisis while pondering its ecological track record, “Belonging” is a reflection on the convergence of environmental science and spiritual reverence for Mother Nature – a journey into humanity’s footprint on the Earth.

“Belonging” features interviews with Inuit spokespeople, interfaith spiritual leaders, and experts like William Rees, Ph.D., originator of the ecological footprint analysis.

After the screening, Ungerman will also talk about his current environmental work in Northern California, shared between the making of a new film on practical solutions to save money and resources and launching a new green networking initiative: GREEN TRANSITION.  A print-media journalist with a military background, Ungerman’s company, Free-Will Productions, is devoted to making political films focusing in great part on human-rights and the environment and remaining independent from large corporate structures.

Embarcadero Hall is located at 935 Embarcadero Hall in Isla Vista.  Metered parking is available around the building (the old Bank of America structure in I.V.) and at the nearby campus of UCSB.  Free street parking can be found wherever space is available.