Art Ludwig and Andrea Lara will be leading this workshop, it's a great opportunity, get involved if you can make the time.

Subject: [Fwd: Eco Plumbfest/ workshop

We're continuing our successful series of free work to learn opportunities with an eco plumbfest with Andrea Lara and myself,in Santa Barbara June 17th-24th.

We're going to work on all of the items below we can fit in--

Rainwater harvesting
Greywater systems; branched drain, subsurface drip, Laundry to Landscape
Exterior fire sprinklers
Solar hydronic heating
Green septic

We are also going to be putting the finishing touches on the thin-shell cob workshop we made together earlier, and designing a high-fire performance roof, including "aerospace-grade" cob for a third story cob loft in a wood structure (!).

Andrea Lara is a famous greywater guerilla, and hot shot lady plumber. I am the author of the top two plumbing books on Amazon, etc.

Same deal as the plaster & cob workshop:  Help out, we feed you, if you want or need to you can camp here, you learn by doing (and we pass out free books to persistent volunteers as the days go by) and we all enjoy the process. Sort of like a workshop, except it's *free*, it's easier to organize for us, way more gets done, and if you keep showing up you'll learn as much or more.

The subject material on this one is a bit more challenging to dive into, so it's going to be somewhat of an experiment to open it up like this. It would be easier if you have some construction or plumbing background, can be around more, and/or are patient while we figure out how to integrate you into the process.

Please RSVP to if you are interested.


PS--I'll be out of range backpacking until the 14th or so.  Please still RSVP, just don't expect a prompt reply.