Hey there!

I'm in the planning phase of coordinating a workshop in Santa Barbara on Aug. 1, with SB Grow Food Party Crew.

We are looking for a client who wants to take advantage of an EXTRAORDINARY offer to transform their front or backyard (both?) into an Edible Oasis for roughly $1500 including materials (depends on scale of project). This would include professional design by myself, and implementation of (hand-scale) Water Harvesting Earthworks, Food Forest, Veggie Garden and Drip Irrigation, during the workshop on Aug. 1. I estimate this service to be worth $5000+ in the traditional landscape world for Design + Implementation. 

Yes, I know this sounds near impossible to do it all in less than a day, but I have done too many of these to count! The biggest catch is we have to move on it NOW because the workshop is in two weeks - which is actually just enough time to set this up and do it well!

Please email me directly or call if you are interested in receiving this service or know anyone who does. I may not be able to respond until Monday, but we will be selecting a site hopefully by Tues. July 20.

And lookout for more info on the Workshop itself - coming early next week. We are going to need a large turnout to pull this off!


Devin Slavin
Regenerative Design & Mentoring
Office: (831) 704-6242
Skype: AbundanceInBalance

Upcoming Events:

Play and plant an edible oasis at our next Grow Food Party:
RSVP @ www.abundanceinbalance.com under "Courses and Events"

Getting Nature Connected and 4-Seasons Permaculture Course in Santa Cruz, CA
Visit www.jonyoung.org/getnature for registration and more info.


Fresh video from Grow Food Party Crew Santa Cruz!

Latest video from our Creating an Edible Oasis workshop:

Check out the official Grow Food Party Crew video: