Cooperative Permaculture Design Course

October 2-15, 2010
Sierra Nevada Foothills  (near Grass Valley, CA)

This cooperative Permaculture Design Certification course weaves together the creativity and energy of the participants and trainers in a 14-day exploration of how to design our world to work for all life.

Amongst the breathtaking autumn scenery of the Sierra Nevada foothills of Northern California, we will share our collective insights, wisdom and experience about how to create sustainable, self-reliant communities, low-maintenance foodscapes, healthy homes made from the earth, greywater systems, alternative economic systems and all the many other hallmark techniques of permaculture design.

Innovative Cooperative Model

This course is designed within an innovative cooperative framework which allows us to:

    * Share in the work, quickly build community, and learn in a hands-on environment
    * Invest in this special site and leave behind artifacts memorializing our time together and what we have learned.
    * By sharing the work and its fruits, we have the potential to reduce the costs of this course further. As the number of participants crosses certain thresholds, the economy of scale will reduce everyone’s course fee, so tell your friends! Work trade discounts are available.

The practical sustainable living and cooperative working skills built during course are set in the context of the ethics and principles of permaculture design – the principles of natural systems.

Completion of the 14-day training results in the internationally standardized Permaculture Design Certificate.

Introductory Weekend Permaculture Course

The first two days of this course, October 2&3 will be offered as a stand-alone ‘Introduction to Permaculture course for those with weekend availability only.

The training is appropriate for beginners learning about permaculture for the first time, for experienced designers looking to apply what they have learned before on an inchoate site, for job-seekers looking to invent the new economy, and for those interested in the intersection of spirit, yoga and sustainable living.

An Abbreviated List of Course Topics:
- Ethics, Principles and Methods of Permaculture Design
- Translating Patterns into Designs
- Watershed Stewardship
- Soil Fertility & Earthworks
- Food Forests and Perennial Vegetables
- Diversified Renewable Energy Strategies
- Community Economic Systems
- Natural Building

A Collaboration of Teachers

A diverse array of instructors have been assembled for this unique Permaculture experience. Teachers include: Kevin Bayuk, Sage Mata, Matt Berry, Shawn Berry, Sean Culman, Benjamin Jordan, Sage Mata, Paul Racko, Kevin "Karmendra" Rossy, and Scott Stoller.

The course fee for the autumn 2010 PDC is $1,300 and includes instruction, materials, on-site lodging and meals.

About The Location

Ananda Dhiira is beautifully located in the Sierra Foothills adjacent to the South Yuba River State Park at Bridgeport, a few miles from Grass Valley, California. The 20-acre parcel consists of about 12 acres of sloped oak-woodland, and 8 acres of meadow bisected by a perennial creek.  It is a place of self-discovery where subtle energy flows throughout the land. Ananda Dhiira holds space for  personal and community development. It is a place for you learn, contribute, and leave a lasting impact for future generations.


Registration is now open. Visit today.
