ReNew, ReVision, ReDesign Detroit: a Permaculture Design Course

Date: March 27 - April 8, 2011
Location: Detroit, Michigan
Tuition: $1100.00
Instructors: Larry Santoyo, Keith D. Johnson & Guests

Detroit's difficult past, it's vibrant entrepreneurial spirit, under-utilized workforce, abundant water, vacant land, and industrial past all combine to make Detroit the perfect candidate to be the first large, post-industrial, post-carbon urban area.

Urban Permaculture Challenge...
The goal of this course is to apply permaculture principles to produce a workable design for a major city as the Course Design Project.

The Detroit Works project to redesign Detroit provides the teachers, staff and students with a unique opportunity to apply permaculture at a breadth and scale perhaps never attempted. We hope to encourage persons involved in Detroit Works, and individuals, businesses and organizations from around the city to collaborate in this process, bringing sustainable design elements to the table as the Detroit Works project moves forward.

Please Donate to the Scholarship Fund
Registration and more information: