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Lady-Comp and Pearly ovulation monitor for birth control, made in Germany

$330 at Amazon.com

Pearly assists with safe, reliable and natural birth control. The Pearly fertility computer operates with the same advanced technology as the Lady Comp but is designed for convenience in a pocket sized model.


    * LadyComp Technology-Portable and Compact
    * Reliable NFP-No Charting
    * Accurately Indicates the Infertile and Fertile Days
    * Integrated Pregnancy Test
    * Easy to use, only 30 seconds/day

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Birth control with LadyComp is safe, reliable and natural!
Birth control with Lady Comp focuses mainly on the long-term health and well-being of the woman.

Lady Comp is programmed with all available natural family planning research data and uses biomathematical forecasting calculations as well as the very latest computer techniques. LadyComp contains the first medical expertise to help provide safe, reliable and natural birth control.

The fertile and infertile days can be determined without any bothersome or harmful interventions in the body's natural functions. Many women suffer from side-effects of the birth control pill. Lady-Comp offers Contraception without drugs or side-effects.

Easy to Use-30 seconds/day
First of all the temperature is taken and then information about the menstrual dates is requested. This information is evaluated and is compared with more then 700.000 cycles. Next, a diagnosis is made regarding the fertility of the next 24 hours (and the following six days). The reliability of this diagnosis has been confirmed in many clinical tests.

All you need to do is press one button a day and to take your temperature orally with the computer’s thermal sensor. The time required each day is only 30 seconds/day.

LadyComp is not only a safe, reliable and natural birth control but also quick and easy to operate.

Safe and reliable:
99.3 percent reliable (Based on independent clinical studies documented by the manufacturer)
Pearl-Index 0.7
Very reliable interpretation of even complicated cycles
Disregards irregular temperature readings
Makes up for missing temperature readings
Clinically tested by Prof. Dr. habil. Günther Freundl
(Senior gynecological consultant at the Women's Hospital of Düsseldorf)

Indicator lights:
Red-light = fertile
Green-light = infertile
Yellow-light = (learning-consider as fertile)

(source: http://www.raxmedical.com/pearly.php)


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