Dear Friends of the Mesa Harmony Garden

We’ve settled on the first Saturday of each month for our regular work-party at the garden – hope that works for you.
This Saturday March 5th 2011 is the first Saturday in March, and there’s mulching, staking and building up of berms to be done. Rumor has it that there will also be pizza being delivered at some point… Note the later start time.

9am – 12:30pm Corner of Meigs Rd and Dolores Drive

With your help we can continue to make great progress with this tremendous community project.
There’s a flyer here if you can find somewhere you can put it out, that would be really helpful too!
Thank you so much for your continuing support.
PS. Please go online every day and vote for Mesa Harmony Garden:
PPS. Invite people to join our Google Group for continuing updates on the garden.