PLANETARY TECTONIC PLATES SHIFTING: What Is The Earth Asking of Us? By Carolyn Baker
(a few excerpts)

...Earthquake experts speculate that the monster quake in Japan and the severe earthquake in New Zealand last month may be indicative of the activation of the Pacific Ring of Fire, a large loop of seismic and volcanic disturbance in the Asian Pacific region. Additionally, I need not remind Collapsenet readers of the extreme weather we’ve been witnessing in the past two years on every continent. While some scientists deny the significance of these events, any human being who is willing to pay attention to their intuition must not only notice them but be compelled to ask: What does this mean?

Subscribing to the Gaia Hypothesis, I have argued...the Earth is a living, breathing organism that similar to the human species, may possess consciousness.

...Today, we are deeply embroiled in the collapse of industrial civilization, and one of the myriad indicators of that collapse is the wave of resistance and rebellion that is now sweeping the planet, both in the Middle East and in the United States...

...Could it be that Earth is communicating ferociously to its inhabitants the pain, rage, and disgust it experiences with a human species that refuses to recognize and live within the limits Earth has prescribed?

...Therefore, I would ask every person reading these words to take an hour or more to cease whatever you are doing. Find a very quiet place in nature, and open your heart and mind to the Earth. Ask the Earth to tell you what it wants from you. Consider that there is something important, even urgent, that you came here to do. If you don’t yet know what that is, or even if you do, ask the Earth to tell you how you can do what you came here to do and do it even more consciously and more powerfully than you ever have. Feel your connection with Earth in every cell of your body. Commit to loving and protecting the Earth in every aspect of your life—what you eat, what you consume, and how you touch the lives of other members of the Earth community from moment to moment.

Restoring our intimate connection with the Earth does not guarantee physical survival, but it does facilitate a sense of meaning and purpose when the planet’s tectonic plates are reverberating, and we are reminded that Earth’s rage on one side of the planet will invariably and unimaginably impact our side as well...

**Read Carolyn’s new book Navigating The Coming Chaos: A Handbook For Inner Transition. You can order it through the Collapsenet website or at www.carolynbaker.net . Enroll in Carolyn’s online course on Navigating The Coming Chaos with Post Peak Living at:  http://www.postpeakliving.com/navigating-coming-chaos-unprecedented-transitions