Living Web Films - Regenerative Agriculture

A Documentary project in Santa Barbara, CA by Beezhan Tulu


Many advanced civilizations vanished because they did not take care of their soil. This film is about a new, progressive, and advanced practice of agriculture, that will regenerate the soil. With Regenerative Agriculture we create healthier food, build communities, and most importantly increase the top soil. Top soil, the skin of the earth, is where the life of the plant exists, and that is where our food comes from. Top soil sequesters CO2, turning a poison (in atmosphere) to food. According to many scientists, ranchers, and environmentalists worldwide, if we increase the top soil by 1.6%, the top soil sequesters so much CO2 that the amount of CO2 in atmosphere goes back to the amount before the industrial revolution in less than 10 years. The film documents different methods of advanced practices including water management through keyline design, the reintroduction of animals in to landscape, fertility management, and relocalization. Shot on three continents in some of the most beautiful farms on the planet, featuring interviews with some of the most incredible scientist, farmers, environmentalist, and visiting amazing organizations like Earth Island Institute, Orella Ranch Stewardship,... A full 2nd production team is in Pre-Production in amazing farms near Caspian Sea, including my sister Talieh Sefidkoohi as the 2nd Director and my niece and nephews, Azi, Mamali, and Reza. Mr. James Arnold Taylor, Obi-Wan Kenobi's (Star Wars) voice over talent has also shown interest. The Voice over you hear in this trailer is also the voice of Mr. James Arnold Taylor.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Please pledge for my solution-based film "Regenerative Agriculture".
Date: Tue, 12 Jul 2011 19:21:04 -1000
From: Beezhan Tulu <>
To: John Calvert <>

Dear John, Hi. Hope you are having a great day.

I just launched my documentary film "Regenerative Agriculture" in KickStarter

will be truly grateful if you please BACK MY PROJECT BY PLEDGING as much as possible because every dollar counts. If your dollar helps make this a reality, you will be a part of creating solutions for our planet that many people are thirsty to find.

I will also be very thankful if you could send a mass email and ask all your friends to BACK MY PROJECT BY PLEDGING.

Here is the link:

I am truly grateful for your help and hope you have a peaceful day.

Please also click on LIKE under the video image (left side).

Best regards.
Beezhan Tulu