Toby Hemenway wants to spend the fall in California.

My wife, dog, and I are looking for a furnished house to rent or care-take somewhere between Santa Barbara and Fort Bragg/Mendocino for November, December, and possibly a few months longer. We are semi-nomadic these days while I work on a book on patterning. What we're looking for is:
 --A house with 2-4 bedrooms, or 1 bedroom with a private writing area.
--Semi-rural or rural, ideally with a large fenced yard or some acreage. At the edge of a small town or outskirts of a city, or out in the country would all be fine. Not in a city.  I need to be 2-ish hours from an airport or less to get to my courses.
--Allows one dog.
--Within 30 minutes or so of the ocean (non-interior microclimate preferred).
--Internet access is essential.
--Rent depends on the place, or we can be caretakers or some other arrangement, though I can't trade for too much of my time--need to work on the book!.

Email me at if you have leads on such a place. I'm looking forward to being closer to the California permaculture scene.

Toby Hemenway