Hello garden aficionados,

I NEED to part with a lot of my plants in pots; just too many of them.
I will have a plant sale tomorrow morning from 10am to noon. All kinds of plants: 8 feet sycamore trees, all sizes java blue banana trees, daturas, agaves, aloe vera plants, aeoniums, lilac, cana lilies, jade, plumerias, etc...

319 west de la Guerra st

Hope to see you there!


From: Hugh Kelly <hkelly@talk21.com>
To: MesaHarmonyGarden@googlegroups.com; sbperm2006@googlegroups.com; transition-sb@googlegroups.com; scpg@arashi.com
Cc: mesaharmonygarden@gmail.com
Sent: Monday, July 16, 2012 5:25 PM
Subject: [transition-sb] Mesa Harmony Garden Friday July 20th

>>>>>> FRIDAY WORK-PARTY - 1PM TO 5PM <<<<<<
We need help with:
- Harvesting (possibly).
- Mulching (definitely).
- Weeding (predictably).
- Thinking (questions too numerous to mention, such as: where would we put the blueberry hugulkultur, how many mini-swales do we need below the car park runoff, what kind of composting system should we useā€¦)
Thanks for all your support - hope to see you there. (Bring friends!)
Hugh Kelly
Mesa Harmony Garden
a 501(c)3 private non-profit assc.
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