Starhawk's Upcoming Schedule

At a Glance:

Oct 3:  Transition Town teleseminar : "Heart and Mind of the Circle" (free!)
Oct 12-14:  Northern California Permaculture Convergence, Oakland, Calif.
Oct 27:  Samhain Spiral Dance, San Francisco
Nov 4:  Chicago Bioneers: “The Magic of Co-creation: Building Power in Groups” 
Nov 10:  San Francisco Green Festival: "Sacred Activism" and "The Role of Non-Violent Civil Disobedience"
Nov 11:  Gala We'Moon Salon, San Francisco (free!)
Nov 17-18:  UU of Reading, Penn.: "The Magic of Co-creation: Building Power in Groups," and "Earth Spirit, Earth Justice" (free!)
Nov 21:  Peacemaker Circles teleconference
Nov 30:  "Governance and Consensus Decision-making" Community Forum, Calgary, Canada
Dec 9:  "Winter Dreams," afternoon workshop and evening Winter Solstice ritual, Los Angeles 
Dec 16:  Winter Solstice Ritual, Sebastopol, Calif.
Jan 6-20:  Earth Activist Training, Cazadero, Calif.
Jan 24:  Direct Democracy with Occupy Santa Rosa
Feb10:  "Lessons from The Fifth Sacred Thing," at Conscious Life Expo, Los Angeles
Feb14 -15:  evening talk and all-day workshop at Women of Wisdom conference in Seattle
Feb 17-18: PantheaCon, San Jose, Calif.
Mar 8-10: "The Magic of Co-Creation: Building Power in Groups " a weekend workshop at Rowe, Mass.

Once More, with Details:
Please check
for updates and additions.

Wednesday, October 3 
Starhawk will lead a teleseminar for Transition Town US.  "Heart and Mind of the Circle"
     Working in groups of equals is the heart of our work to change the world. We value community, yet groups are often very challenging places to be. How do we create groups and organizations that are warm and welcoming, that value and empower participants, and that bring out the best in each of us? In this teleseminar, we'll explore the personal sustainability that is the ground of effectiveness. We'll consider social permaculture--the principles and agreements that lead to healthy and functional groups—as well as the agreements we make with each other, the way we make decisions, and how we handle the conflicts that inevitably arise. 
Time: 5:00 - 6:15 p.m. Pacific time 
Cost: Free
Preregister to receive dial-in number and PIN:

Friday - Sunday, October 12-14
Starhawk will speak and teach at the Northern California Permaculture Convergence. This year's theme is "Building Bioregional Resiliency." 

Location: GreenFriends Farm, west of Oakland, California
Cost: varies, scholarships available. 
For more information:

Saturday, October 27
33rd annual Spiral Dance in San Francisco, the Reclaiming community's Samhain celebration. As the darkness closes in, come dance the spiral that renews the world. 
Time: Doors open 6:00 p.m., Ritual 7:30 p.m. 
Location: Kezar Pavilion near Haight and Stanyan Streets
Cost: $20-$100 sliding scale; volunteering available
For more information:

Sunday, November 4
Great Lakes/Chicago Bioneers
Morning Plenary: “The Magic of Co-creation: Building Power in Groups” 
    >From Cairo to Wall Street, all over the world people are coming together to create change, organizing without top-down leadership or hierarchies. Such circles can be enormously creative and empowering, but they can also be cumbersome and frustrating. Yet when they work well, they liberate our imagination and change the world. Starhawk draws on four decades of experience in circles and collectives to show us how to foster connection, clear communication and positive power in ourselves and our groups.
Time: 10:00 - 11:00 a.m. 
     Afternoon Panel Discussion with Starhawk, Mark Lakeman, and Nance Klem. 
Time: 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm 
Conference location: University of Illinois, Chicago
Cost: varies, student discounts
For more information:

Saturday, November 10
San Francisco Green Festival. Catch Starhawk at:
     11:10 - 11:55 a.m.: Opening Water Ritual
     Noon: "Sacred Activism: An Interfaith Dialogue on Creating a Just and Healthy Planet for All"
Leaders of faith have worked to defend our planet and have seen all as sacred. In this time of cataclysmic change, people are looking deeply to discover that which compels them to stand up with courage for the well being of all--on behalf of life itself. This panel will awaken a dialogue about the power of spirit in action. 
    Look for Booksigning, mid-afternoon.
     3:00 - 4:00 p.m "Upping the Ante to Defend People & Planet: The Role of Non-Violent Civil Disobedience" 
Panelists: Dolores Huerta, Gopal Dayaneni, and Starhawk. 
From Civil Rights to Labor and the Occupy movements, nonviolent civil disobedience has played a key role in changing the course of history. Where is it being employed effectively now, but not reported on? How do we address the issue of race and class privilege in regards to this tactic? Since we know we must up the ante, where will we find the courage to move from talk to action? 
     Also look for Starhawk at the Earth Activist Training booth--stop by and say hello.
Location: San Francisco Concourse Building on Brannan and 8th (SOMA)
For more information:

Sunday, November 11
Gala We'Moon Salon, celebrating 30 years of publication of the We'Moon datebook. Starhawk will join feminist artists and writers, including Luisah Teish and Vicki Noble, for a luscious evening of art, prose, inspiration, comedy, and song.
Time: 7:00 p.m.
Location: The Dance Mission Theater, 3316 24th (at Mission St.), San Francisco
Cost: free
For more information: email vickinobleone[at]yahoo[dot]com 

Saturday & Sunday, November 17-18
Starhawk will lead a workshop and be a keynote speaker at the Unitarian Universalist "Association Sunday" in Central Pennsylvania. 
    Saturday: "The Magic of Co-creation: Building Power in Groups" 
(NOTE: Workshop is full. Inquire about waiting list.)
Time: 9:30 a.m - 4:30 p.m. 
Location: First Unitarian Universalist Church of Berks County, 416 Franklin Street, Reading, Pennsylvania.
for information, email: sandrafees[at]verizon[dot]net 
    Sunday Worship Service: "Earth Spirit, Earth Justice"
     We live in tough times, for the Earth and those who love her. What does the concept of the Goddess mean in such times? What aspects and images can inform us, sustain us, and give us healing and hope? Some of our greatest allies may be the lowly life forms of fungi and beneficial microorganisms. Let's identify and invoke the great powers working with us for the healing of the Earth. 
Time: 10:30 a.m. - noon, followed by reception and book signing 
Location: Conrad Weiser High School, 44 Big Spring Road, Robesonia, Pennsylvania.
Cost: Free with donation, no pre-registration needed.

Wednesday, November 21
Starhawk will talk at a Peacemaker Circles teleconference. Please check back for details. 

Friday, November 30
Keynote address at the "Governance and Consensus Decision-making" Community Forum in Calgary, Canada. Presented by CommunityWise. Possible Saturday workshop, too. Please check back 
for details.
For more information, email: contact[at]communitywise[dot]net. 

Sunday, December 9
"Winter Dreams":
 Starhawk will join Los Angeles Reclaiming for an afternoon workshop and evening Winter Solstice ritual, with spiral dance. 
For event information and updates please visit or email laurie[at]lovekraft[dot]com. 

Sunday, December 16

Starhawk will join North Bay Reclaiming for the 25th Annual Winter Solstice Ritual. 
Location: Sebastopol Grange Hall, 6000 Highway 12, in Sebastopol, California
Time: 7:00 p.m. 
For more information:

January 6-20, 2013
Earth Activist Training

       A two-week permaculture design certificate course with a focus on organizing and activism, and a grounding in earth based spirituality. Learn how to heal soil and cleanse water, how to design human systems that mimic natural systems, using a minimum of energy and resources and creating real abundance and social justice. Explore the strategies and organizing tools we need to make our visions real, and the daily practice, magic and rituals that can sustain our spirits. Participatory, hands-on teaching with lots of ritual, games, projects, songs, and laughs along with an intensive curriculum in ecological design. 
       Taught by Starhawk and Charles Williams, with guest teacher Erik Ohlsen
Location: Black Mountain Preserve, Cazadero, California
Cost: $1600- $1900 US sliding scale (early bird price), includes food and lodging. Some worktrade available--apply early!
Information: Email: earthactivisttraining[at]gmail[dot]com. Phone 1-800-381-7940. 

Thursday, January 24
Starhawk will take part in a panel discussion on Direct Democracy. Presented by Occupy Santa Rosa Free School Working Group. Location to be announced, in Santa Rosa, California. Please check back for details.

Sunday, February 10, 2013
Starhawk will present at the Conscious Life Expo, Los Angeles. 
"Lessons from The Fifth Sacred Thing," plus a workshop TBA, booksignings, and screening of a Belili film co-created by Starhawk. Please check back for details.
Location: LAX Hilton
Cost: varies, from $20 - $275.
For more information:

Thursday - Friday, February 14 - 15, 2013
Starhawk will present an evening talk on Feb. 14 and an all-day workshop on Feb. 15 at the Women of Wisdom conference inSeattle. Please check back for details. 
For more information: 

Sunday - Monday, February 17 - 18, 2013
Starhawk will be at PantheaCon. This year's theme is "Co-operation, Tolerance & Love." Please check back for details.
Location: Doubletree Hotel, San Jose, California 
Cost for four-day pass: $55 (until Sept. 15), $65 (until Jan. 15), or $75 after Feb. 1. Lodging and meals additional. 
For more information: 

Friday - Saturday, March 8-10, 2013 
"The Magic of Co-Creation: Building Power in Groups " a weekend workshop at Rowe.
    Working together in groups can be the most inspiring, empowering and ecstatic experiences of our lives. To change the world, we need to do it together. Yet over and over again, this happens--a group of people come together, fired up with passion to create change. They begin with huge inspiration and enthusiasm--and a year later, it's all foundered in the mire of conflict. We could have changed the world ten times over--if we didn't have to do it together with other people, those irritating, self-righteous, controlling, fluff-brained, clueless idiots who are our friends and allies.
       But we can do better. In her latest book, The Empowerment Manual, A Guide for Collaborative Groups, Starhawk draws on four decades of experience in circles and collectives to show us how to foster connection, clear communication and positive power in ourselves and our groups.
       In this weekend workshop, we will use the tools of magic, meditation, trance, and ritual to explore issues of personal and social power. We'll look at ways to create nurturing and healing group structures, to deal with difficult people and embrace constructive conflict. We'll raise and focus group energy to celebrate our connectedness and nurture resilient communities that can be joyful and effective agents of change. 
Location: Rowe Conference Center, 22 Kings Highway, Rowe, Massachusetts
Cost: sliding scale $205 -305, plus meals and lodging ($95 - $335, depending on choices). Barter, work exchange, and scholarships available.
For more information: