Mesa Harmony Garden


ITS THIS FRIDAY … October 19th


1 to 5pm  – Volunteer Work-party


We’ve now built our HUGELKULTUR mound, and have TEN blueberry bushes sitting in pots waiting to move into their new home. Please come along on Friday and help us get them planted. There’s loads of interesting info about hugelkultur HERE.

We’re also going to be collecting material for the new COMPOST system that we’ll be starting at the end of the month.

Our huge pile of lovely fresh mulch is getting smaller, but there still plenty to go around. And, believe it or not, we still need a lot more sheets of cardboard to put under the mulch, so if you get a chance please do bring some nice big sheets of cardboard along with you.


And don’t forget the Food Forest WORKSHOP coming up on Oct 27th with Larry and Holly – see poster attached for full details.


Hope you can join us Friday Afternoon.


Thanks for all your support.



Hugh Kelly
Mesa Harmony Garden

a 501(c)3 private non-profit assc.