Hi all,

One of our projects in New Mexico is with the Quivira Coalition (www.quiviracoalition.org).  The recently hosted a conference titled "How to Feed Nine Billion People."

They brought in speakers and scientists from around the world on a variety of topics.  We have 6 videos posted of these short lectures (with slides) here: http://www.youtube.com/quiviracoalition

Noteworthy Talks: 

Dr. Jill Clapperton - Soil http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o6daE2sYegg
Principal Scientist and President Rhizoterra Inc. Dr. Jill Clapperton is the Rhizosphere Ecologist at the Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Lethbridge Research Centre in Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada.

Dr. Molly Jahn - Seeds http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uKT5xln3uRk
Special Advisor to the Chancellor and Provost for Sustainability Sciences and Professor of Agronomy and Genetics, Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies, Center for Sustainability and the Global Environment, University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Sandra Postel - Water http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=agSMj2KC708
Director,The Global Water Policy Project. Founded in 1994 by Sandra Postel, a leading authority on international freshwater issues, the project fosters ideas and inspiration for redirecting society's use and management of fresh water toward conservation and ecosystem health. Sandra lives in Los Lunas, New Mexico.

Gabe Brown - Soil http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rKjX3UdVDFU
The Brown Ranch, east of Bismarck, ND, believes in and practice Holistic Management, a part of which is farming and ranching in nature's image. They strive to solve problems in a natural and sustainable way. Improving soil health is a priority and no-till farming has been practiced since 1993.

Enjoy and share.  Some good information in here.

David Fortson
