MONEY AND LIFE at the Faulkner (and discussion) Wednesday, June 26, 2013, 07:00pm - 09:00pm
at the Faulkner Gallery inside the SBarbara Central Library
on Anapamu
June 26th!!! 

Suggested Price range from $5 to $10
No one will be turned away from lack of funds.

Facebook INVITE page:

Cosponsors include:
Permaculture Credit Union and Santa Barbara Permaculture Network 


(with Faye and Ben) and they will be there to speak afterwards!

and SBarbara TimeBank:

For Info about Public Banking, see HERE. Does anyone know if there are any plans to create a public bank in SBarbara?

Money & Life is a passionate and inspirational essay-style documentary that that asks a provocative question: can we see the economic crisis not as a disaster, but as a tremendous opportunity? This cinematic odyssey connects the dots on our current economic pains and offers a new story of money based on an emerging paradigm of planetary well-being that understands all of life as profoundly interconnected.

From their source material:
<<The film’s director, Katie Teague is an independent documentary filmmaker in the growing field of transformational media. After working as a psychotherapist, Katie made her way to filmmaking following the call of her own creative urges and as a means of having a broader reach in her service to the healing arts. In late 2008, the economic crisis made apparent to her our failing relationship with money and its effect on our relationship with ourselves, with each other and with the planet. Inspired by the opportunity for real social change presented by the crisis, she embarked on the 4-year journey of Money & Life.

“The film recognizes that the economic crises around the world represent a profound moment of transition and invites audiences to rethink their relationship to money. We want people to walk away asking questions like ‘How do my financial choices align with my most deeply held values,’ ‘How do I embody generosity,’ and ‘What does it really mean to make a living?’” >>

A lively discussion withn Time Bankers, Permaculture Credit Union folks
, Social Responsible Investers, some Burners (about the Gifting Economy), a new local currency (monetary ecology) in Santa Barbara... and more...