from the Green America email newsletter:

Dear Green American,

If last week’s climate assessment from the White House left you feeling overwhelmed, be inspired by Stanford University’s announcement that it will divest from fossil-fuels, including polluting, climate-warming coal.

As a Green American, you can use your power as a consumer and investor to create lasting change in the world. The students at Stanford University know it, and we celebrate this huge victory with them.

Join Green America and our long-time allies at, including thought-leader Bill McKibben, in divesting your portfolio from the top 200 oil, coal, and gas companies­and get your colleges and universities, houses of worship, and more to divest. Green America provides a number of resources to help you purge fossil fuels from your investments.

As more and more people and institutions divest from fossil-fuel companies, we build the political momentum needed to build a truly clean energy future.

Green America:

Santa Babara Permaculture Network Logo  
(805) 962-2571
P.O. Box 92156, Santa Barbara, CA 93190

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