CALIFORNIA RARE FRUIT GROWERS - Santa Barbara/Ventura chapter presents... 

HOW TO DEHYDRATE YOUR FRUIT (with tasty samples!)

by Leslie Thomas

Step by step instructions for transforming your orchard bounty into year-round treats

Saturday, June 14th, 10:30 am - 12:30 pm at Mesa Harmony Garden, 1740 Cliff Drive, Santa Barbara, CA (corner of Dolores and Meigs)

One traditional way of preserving is dehydrating your fruit, whether in the form of chips, strips, & mixed-fruit roll-ups - the ultimate go-anywhere snack food stashed in a Ziploc!  This class will introduce you to the dehydration technique, & delicious samples will be provided, of course!

Leslie Thomas has been a food & wine expert for many years, who you may know from her creatively healthy cooking classes at Whole Foods.

Free for CRFG members. For non-members, a $3-5 donation is suggested. ($10 membership will give you 1 year free local CRFG events, so why not join?)

CONTACT:  Lauren Hanson or (818) 737-2607 or cell (562) 243-9061