
An amazing group of land stewards, permaculturists, professionals, students and big hearted people seeking to heal and restore land are gathering together next week for this 4-day intensive, hands-on training with Craig Sponholtz, a master of land and watershed restoration, and Brenton Kelly, long-time steward, at Quail Springs beautiful 450 acre site in the high-desert, spring-fed canyon of the Upper Cuyama Valley. 

A few spaces are open!  Come join this practical, leading-edge training, share your projects, get answers to your questions, and connect with peer mentors.

Learn more and sign up by contacting Kolmi at  (Financial aid is still available thanks to a kind supporter - based on need, ask for an application asap.)
Please spread the word about this great opportunity.



OCTOBER 2-5, 2014

Financial aid available based on need

and Brenton Kelly, Quail Springs Farm Director & Land Steward

Craig Sponholtz's courses are a must. I was very impressed with the thoroughness, hands-on learning, and Craig's deep knowledge - based on years of real-life experiences. The strategies taught are simple and effective. They build on natural patterns so you work with natural processes not against them. This way nature does the bulk of the work once the structures are in place. I highly recommend these courses for anyone working with the land and water.  ~ Brad Lancaster, author of Rainwater Harvesting for Drylands and Beyond

This 4 day Project-Based Land Restoration Training offers hands-on experience in the assessment, design and construction of an on-going land restoration project and an intensive immersion and experiential training in:

Reading the landscape and make informed decisions
Recognizing the symptoms and causes of degraded land
Identifying regenerative natural processes
Understanding how humans effect and are affected by the landscape
Designing resilient solutions for landscape problems
Understanding management options for degraded land
Healing degraded land by harvesting runoff
Deciding what is doable and what should be done first
Planning and preparing to complete a successful project
Maintaining a project and ensure its long-term success

Craig Sponholtz founded Dryland Solutions, Inc. in 2003, renamed Watershed Artisans, Inc. in 2014, and continues to design and implement watershed restoration projects throughout the Southwest.   Craig teaches land and watershed restoration, passive water harvesting and erosion control techniques internationally and strives to foster beneficial relationships between people and the watersheds they live in by sharing the practical trials, tribulations and insights of his own work.  Craig has used two decades of hands-on experience and numerous collaborations with masters in the field to develop must-know principles that ensure water-related projects are practical, economically viable and harmonious with natural processes.

Cost: $525.  Early Bird: $450 for payment in full by September 1,2014. 
Friends/Couples – $100 off your total for couples/friends registering and paying together
* Financial aid available, based on need. To inquire, please contact Kolmi.

Course webpage:

Contact with questions:  Kolmi Majumdar,