Sweetwater appreciates the community's contributions to our end of the year fundraising campaign. From now until the end of the month, we are offering Art Ludwig's recently published "Creating an Oasis with Greywater, 6th edition", a $22.95 value, as a premium when you donate $100 or more. Donate now at http://sweetwatercollaborative.org/civicrm/contribute/transact?reset=1&id=1#anchor 
This is the book you need in your library, even if you have a previous edition.
The 6th has nine times more information than the first edition.
It contains a generous amount of information on integrated design for water conservation, as it is sub-titled.
The addition of information on Laundry to landscape is reason enough to get the book.
Figure 7.5:Laundry to landscape system takes up a full two pages, and is easy to read and very detailed. It shows options, locations, sequence and shape of many of the materials for the system, and is an invaluable resource on its own.
The section "Experimental Adaptations for High-Efficiency Washers" is very welcome, since many washers are now HE and their unique characteristics and challenges are important to address.
Read more about our end of the year fundraising campaign, Rainwater Harvesting: Solution for Drought or Deluge on our homepage. sweetwatercollaborative.org

thanks, barbara wishingrad, Coordinator, Sweetwater Collaborative

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