Super Bee Swarm Build Party and Apiary Tour

Nick the Beekeeper and Super Bee Rescue and Removal
Guided Apiary Tours &  Build Your Own Swarm Trap
Sunday, March 20, 2016
9:30 AM to 4:00 PM, $10 (for tour only, additional costs for  Swarm Trap materials)

Must pre-register on Eventbrite:

The Super Bee build party at HeartStone Ranch is a great low-cost way to build your own swarm trap!

On Sunday, March 20, 2016, our team will help you build your own swarm trap and provide guided apiary tours around  HeartStone Ranch. This is a great opportunity to take a hands-on approach in learning about and saving our bees.

Apiary tours to view our bees will be available at two times: 10am and 1pm. We will provide bee suits for your convenience, and a honey-themed snack will be provided at the end of the tours. Purchase your tickets now--spots are limited!

Those interested in learning about the equipment we use are encouraged to attend and help build the equipment we use to rescue bees! Bring your own lunch and get to know your fellow beekeepers.

Swarm trap kit includes the plywood pieces of the swarm trap as well as 5 unassembled frames.  We will use glue and a staple gun to assemble as well as a few nails.

If you don't have time to build your own we will have a few completed ones available that you can reserve.

If you would like to avoid the credit card charges feel free to email me to arrange cash or check payments.


What can/can't I bring to the event?

Please no pets.  Only equipment purchased at the event will be built.

Where can I contact the organizer with any questions?

Please email me for questions.

Is my registration/ticket transferrable?

Tickets are nonrefundable.

Can I buy the Swarm Trap kit to assembly at home?

Absolutely buy the swarm trap ticket and let me know when you want to pick it up.
Have questions about Super Bee Swarm Build Party and Apiary Tour at HeartStone Ranch?

Contact Nick the Beekeeper and Super Bee Rescue and Removal

Nick the Beekeeper
Super Bee Rescue and Removal
Office 805-881-3031
Cell 805-684-9999

Santa Babara Permaculture Network Logo  
(805) 962-2571
P.O. Box 92156, Santa Barbara, CA 93190

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