Hi everyone this is a great movie!  looks terrible, the title, the image with the generals, ugh...

but is actually Michael Moore being tongue in cheek, suggesting we can go to other countries, invade them for their good ideas, instead of resources

and is, in a way, a kind of permaculture invisible structures theme, the thought that we can design social structures differently, consciously, the same way we do in permaculture for our land, agriculture, homes, buildings and cities, in balance with nature and each other.

Conscious design for all the things that make up the fabric of our US American life, health care, education, financial structures, care of children, care of elders, care of the earth, lets do it better!  Wonderful examples from Norway, France, Iceland, Italy, Tunsia, others, don't miss it, it's an eye opener of how other first world nations provide for their citizens. 
Special showing of Michael Moore’s new film "Where to Invade Next"
Tuesday May 3 at 7 p.m.

UCSB MultiCultural Center
University Center Room 1504
University of California, Santa Barbara


In conjunction with the NEXT SYSTEM TEACH-IN,
a film that inspires and entertains us by dramatizing what we can learn about social possibilities and making our lives better by learning from places like Italy, France, Scandinavia and Iceland.
After the film showing a dialog with Professors Constance Penley and Dick Flacks

Santa Babara Permaculture Network Logo  
(805) 962-2571
P.O. Box 92156, Santa Barbara, CA 93190

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