new permaculture website

Eric Werbalowsky ewerb at
Mon Mar 9 15:35:02 PST 1998

this site proposes developing permaculture trade and
investment systems in support of a global network of ecologically 
sustainable villages, 

it has great quotes and insights, and presents a long term big picture 
with practical determination.

here's a good one:

"If a man loses one-third of his skin, he dies. If a
tree loses one-third of its bark, it dies. . . Would
it not be reasonable to suggest that if the earth
loses more than a third of its green mantle and
tree cover, it will assuredly die? The water table
will sink beyond recall and life will become
impossible. . .Today it is the duty of every
thinking being to live and to serve not only his
own day and generation, but also generations
unborn, by helping to restore and maintain the
green glory of the forests of the earth." 

Richard St. Barbe Baker was founder of the Men of the Trees Society at 
the turn of this century. He was responsible for planting billions of 
trees all over the world. Today, Baker's words of wisdom are more 
relevant than ever before: each day we lose 116 acres of rainforest and 
another 70 square miles of earth becomes desert.

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