
YankeePerm at YankeePerm at
Sun Jul 25 18:49:24 PDT 1999

In a message dated 7/25/99 9:52:24 PM, scot at writes:

<<...wondering if anyone's here and if so, do you know of any permaculture
practioners/sites/activities in British Columbia or Alberta?>>

There is an email exchange group out of Vancouver.   If you don't track it 
down, email me at Permacltur at  (not this address) and I will try to 
dig up the address.   I'm on the list, but it has been quiet lately and I'll 
have to find a post.  I think the guy who does the "listserve" discussion 
group is Harold Wadlock.  Try contacting John Irwin at 
JWIrwin at    

He has the North American permaculture directory database and may be able to 
put you in touch.

For Mother Earth, Dan Hemenway, Yankee Permaculture Publications (since 
1982), Elfin Permaculture workshops, lectures, Permaculture Design Courses, 
consulting and permaculture designs (since 1981), and annual correspondence 
courses via email.  Copyright, 1998, Dan & Cynthia Hemenway, P.O. Box 52, 
Sparr FL 32192 USA  Internships. YankeePerm at  

We don't have time to rush.

A list by topic of all Yankee Permaculture titles may be found at
Elfin Permaculture programs are listed at the Eastern Permaculture Teachers 
assn home page:
--Elfin Permaculture News

	Dan Hemenway, editor of The International Permaculture Solutions 
Journal, will lead an intensive 10-day permaculture design workshop Aug. 
6-15, 1999, 
near Alleghany, in Northern California.
	The initial weekend is a stand-alone workshop where participants 
produce a rough 
draft permaculture design.  Starting Monday, participants flesh out and 
refine their design, 
delivering a report to the residents the following Saturday.  Instruction 
during the week is 
confined to topics needed to produce this specific design. The design will 
integrate human 
activity with the contour, soil, solar energy, and water flows of the site to 
provide water, 
food, shelter, energy, and other patterns supportive of the residents.  
Creating a joyous and 
enjoyable setting is central to the design goals. Sunday afternoon, Dan will 
conclude the 
workshop with a clinic to discuss permaculture-related problems that 
participants bring 
from their own situations. Participants can register for the full workshop or 
just the initial 
weekend. There is a limit on enrollment.  
	The workshop is designed to meet the needs of a variety of 
participants including:  
people wishing to learn to design their own homes; people seeking strong 
preparation for 
the certificate Permaculture Design Course, certified permaclturists seeking 
advanced work, 
and present or future students of the Online Permaculture Design Course who 
will use the 
workshop to meet their design project requirement.
	Child care can be arranged with advance notice. Send SASE for a 
complete flyer.  
Inquire also if you wish to host permaculture or forest workshops in your 
area. Limited 
scholarships for Native Americans, women, minorities, and others are 
	For  details about the workshop fee, scholarships, housing, meals and 
matters, contact Birdsong Sundstrom, Forest City, via Alleghany CA 95910. 
<birdsong at>
	To arrange for advanced work or online course credit, or to book 
workshop, contact:
Elfin Permaculture, P.O. Box 52, Sparr FL 32192-0052 USA.
<Permacltur at>

Our Annual Permaculture Design Courses by Email Began  November 29.  Late 
registrations extended.  Next course begins Octob er, 1999

	The online Permaculture Design Course  combines reading  conventional 
and papers with online discussion and a number of student reports.  These 
practice teaching of  permaculture and a comprehensive permaculture design 
that serves as a final examination.  Like the in-person three-week course, 
this five to 
six month online program confers a Permaculture Design Certificate on 
students who 
successfully complete all requirements.
	Some students take the course to obtain professional guidance in 
developing their 
home permaculture designs without the need to pay consulting rates. Non 
certificate students 
may, of course, waive any requirements.  
	Enrollment is limited to 20 students. However, any number of people 
can monitor the course 
for a nominal fee.  Monitors do not participate  course discussion, although 
of course they are 
free to conduct private communications with any of participating  students so 
  For more information, email us at ElfPermacl at  On requestwe will 
send you the 
course protocol and the course reading list. Students may enroll in the 
entire program at one 
time  or in any of three course sections in any order.  
The course follows the outline below:
	SECTION 1:  Introduction and Basic Principles
		a)  World ecological problems and interrelationships.
		b)  Principles of natural design.
		c)  Permaculture design concepts.
		d)  Classical landscapes.
		e)  Patterning, edges, edge effects.
		f)  The Permaculture Design Report
		g)  Principles of transformation (in process--you will get as 
much as we 
have worked out at the moment--this is not part of ordinary permaculture 
design courses).
	SECTION 2:  Appropriate Technologies  in Permaculture Design
		a)  Energy--solar, wind, hydro, biomass, etc.
		b)  Nutrient cycles--soil, microclimates, gardening methods, 
perennials, tree 
crops, food parks, composting toilets, livestock, "pest" management, food 
storage, seed 
saving, cultivated systems, forests,  etc.
		c)  Water--impoundments, aquaculture, conservation, etc.
		d)   Buildings.
	SECTION 3:  Social permaculture.  Design Report.
		a)   Design for catastrophe.
		b)  Urban permaculture.
		c)  Bioregionalism.
		d)  Alternative economics.
		e)  Village development.
		f)  Final design reports and critiques.
		g)  Final evaluation.
	DESIGN SECTION.  (Requires Section 1.)  Students complete  a 
	Students follow a set reading schedule supplemented by email  notes 
from the instructor. 
They discuss reading assignments  by conventional email, so people in 
different parts of the 
world do not need to be online a the same time.   The instructor also 
	Students completing all course  are  elegible to monitor or 
participate in the next course 
to reinforce what they have learned.  There is no charge for taking the 
second course cycle.
	Students may arrange to enroll individual sections  of the course in 
any sequence, 
depending on their financial  and schedule  requirements.
	Instructor Dan Hemenway has taught  permaculture worldwide in Europe, 
Asia, the 
Pacific and North America. Dan  is also founder, editor and publisher of The 
Permaculture Solutions Journal,  highly regarded among permaculturists, and 
(Permaculture Review Overview and Digest). He is program director of APT 
Permaculture Training), founder of the Forest Ecosystem Rescue Network 
(FERN), and 
active in related movements such as remineralization. He contributes to the 
development of 
permaculture with ongoing work on principles of transformation.  Dan holds 
five diplomas 
in various aspects of permaculture from the International Permaculture 
Institute. He 
received the annual Conservation Award from Friends of Nature in 1983 and the 
Community Service Award from the International Permaculture Institute in 
1984. In 1991, 
he was named as a delegate to "Roots of the Future," a conference of NGOs in 
France, to prepare input to the UN "Earth Summit" held in June, 1992. More 
recently, Dan 
was cited in Swathmore's Who's Who in America for 1996-97, and  from 1995 to 
was named permanent Honorary Chairman, Permaculture Foundation - Net_Work - 
Kenya,  Homa Bay, Kenya. 
	Teaching assistants in this course include Willem Smutz, of South 
Africa, who has 
participated in all of the online Elfin Permaculture courses to date and 
Cynthia Baxter Hemenway 
CNM, who worked as a partner in Elfin Permaculture  since 1988.  
	For details, email Elfin Permaculture at  elfpermacl at
	Correspondence courses by mail continue to be available. Contact us 
if you would 
like to host a live course or workshop at your site.

PREP--Permaculture/Remineralization Education Program Studies Chinampas
	In concert with Remineralize the Earth Foundation, Elfin Permaculture 
has founded 
PREP--Permaculture/Remineralization Education Project.  PREP was created 
initially to 
support a Kenyan permaculture project in which Elfin Permaculture has been 
Now PREP seeks support for a study trip to Mexico to document Chinampas.  
	Dan has experimented with the chinampas concept in the past, and 
presently is 
developing a permaculture design with chinampas at Barking Frogs Permaculture 
Center. To 
make the techniques we use compatible with areas where expanded food 
production is most needed, 
we are doing all work by hand.  Volunteers are welcome and we have room for 2 
The Barking Frogs Farm chinampas build on the Mexican technique by applying 
permaculture design to integrate them to a total permaculture design.
	Financial contributions are badly needed to document the last 
remaining traditional 
chinampas in Xochomilco, Mexico.

	We have two internships available for people who wish to gain 
experience and 
contribute to the development and outreach of permaculture design.  Each of 
internships is custom-designed in response to goals of the interns as well as 
to current
needs of the center.  Work includes both indoor tasks (office, publications, 
documentation, etc.) and physical tasks (construction, chinampas building, 
development, gardening, animal care, harvest, etc.) and may include outreach 
Internships have the potential to develop into profit-sharing businesses 
and/or commonworks 
projects where  the intern develops a sustainable means of self-support.  

	Elfin Permaculture offers consultation services including full 
permaculture designs, 
consultation reports, and a special client survey with feedback. (See the 
regular order 
form.)  While we feel that for most people, training to design their own 
place is more 
useful, there has proven to be a valid place for some consultation.  In 
addition to designs 
for people who have not received permaculture training, we find that we help 
people with 
some experience to design difficult or delicate parts of their site.  We will 
accept no more 
than two design or consulting jobs concurrently in order to have time to work 
on our own 
place.  For details, contact Dan Hemenway, Barking Frogs Permaculture Center, 
P.O. Box 
52, Sparr FL 32192-0052 USA or email Dan at Permacltur at


	The long awaited 2nd edition  of Stephen Facciola's excellent 
directory of edible plant species, Cornucopia, is now available from Yankee 
Permaculture at $45 + p&h.  This is an essential reference for any 
permaculturist anywhere in the world.

TRIP VII Is Off the Press!
	Vol. VII of TRIP, The Resources of International Permaculture, was 
back from the 
printer around Dec. 1, 1998.  TRIP VII is a directory of about 2,000 groups 
working for some aspect of sustainable habitation.  Each entry is listed by 
global region, 
country, city and so forth in the main directory.  Then entries are indexed 
both by 
alphabetical name of every group and publication and by a set of 16 
categories.  TRIP VII 
costs $25 + P&H and includes a subscription to our update service. Typically, 
we publish 
three updates of changes, deletions and additions between entirely new 
volumes.  TRIP is 
updated continually, on a nearly daily basis.
 	Yankee Permaculture also offers TRIP-on-Disk.  There are no volume 
because each 3.5-inch computer disk we ship is copied from our master 
database on the 
day that we process your order. TRIP-on-Disk starts at $50 + P&H depending on 
format that you  need. Send $1.00 +a #10  SASE or 2  International Return 
Mail Coupons 
for an instruction sheet on ordering disks from Yankee Permaculture. 
Presently, TRIP-on-
Disk lists about 2,000 groups and publications.  Updates are available at 1/2 
the cost of a 
new disk.

TRIP VI Clearance at 80% OFF!
	We printed too many copies of Volume VI of TRIP.  In order to get 
more copies 
into people's hands, we are reducing the price to $5 + P&H now for the print 
version with 
no frills.  We will also supply updates as long as they are in stock. We now 
have just a few 
copies left. 

	Robert Kourik's outstanding volume, *Designing and Maintaining Your 
Landscape, Naturally* has gone out of print. However Yankee Permaculture was 
able to 
buy Bob's remaining inventory of slightly damaged copies.  These are 
available at $20 
while they last.  Bob tells us that he expects a new edition to be available 
in 2 or 3 years, 
though a publisher was not yet secured the last we heard.  We can also 
provide hardcover 
copies at $40 each while they last.  Both prices require additional P&H as 
usual.  This is 
one of the books in our extensive permaculture library that we consult the 
most.  I would 
not be without it. As of 7/11/99 we still had some copies. 

	Yankee Permaculture publishes a special order catalog, paper #27, 
that lists all 
manner of resources for which there is little market,, but which are 
invaluable to some 
individuals seeking translations, databases, permaculture designs, 
consultation reports, out-of-print public domain publications, and so forth. 
Permaculture designs and consultation reports are often listed at 10% of the 
original fee 
(always plus P&H) and we have a number of student reports as well, generally 
priced to 
cover some of the labor of stocking and order processing.  The next addition 
will be more 
than 200 pages of report for Maralá, a Paraguayan project with which we 
Appendices including data bases, are offered separately as usual. Send $5.00 
if you wish 
to see a the table of contents, directory of appendices, and list of figures, 
via email, $10 for 
us to print them out and send them by physical mail.
	We have also decided to add the report of the Urban Permaculture 
Project, an an out-
of-print document  from the 1980s which we feel has special merit.


•  Ask for Clearance List of Discounted Publications.  
	We have a small number of used, damaged and discontinued publications 
at great discounts from our clearance list.  Ask for the latest version.  We 
print these out individually
so that they are up to date.

  Ordering Yankee Permaculture Publications from This Sheet. 
	Some of the publications listed on this sheet may have not yet been 
added to the 
Yankee Permaculture Order Form as of this writing.  To compute the cost, add 
the total of 
publications that you seek, then compute Postage & Handling.  P&H costs 10% 
purchase price in the US and 20% elsewhere. However there is a minimum of 
$3.00 P&H 
on small orders. Pay P&H only for the first $150 of each order.  You may 
purchases from this sheet with those from the order form to get the best deal 
on shipping. 
	If at all possible, please use the order form, even if you only order 
from this sheet. 
Simply attach the list of new publications to the order form.  The regular 
YPC order form 
lists all conditions and procedures.
Items ordered from this sheet
Postage & Handling* ($3 minimum, pay only on first $150 of order)             
Total Order (US funds only, checks must be drawn on a US Bank.)               
Contribution to meet requests from "Third World" groups, elementary school 
students, etc.                                                     
TOTAL ENCLOSED.                                                               
_____ This order is not combined with an order on the regular Yankee 
Permaculture Order 
Form. I have attached my name and address.
Yankee Permaculture, P.O. Box 52, Sparr FL 32192-0052 USA. email: 
<Permacltur at>

* 10 percent of the order to USA addresses, 20 percent to addresses elsewhere.

New service charge minimum.  Due to increased costs, we have increased our 
minimum service 
charge to $3.50US.  The service charge is assessed when special communication 
or other work
is required because people underpay  orders, send illegible orders, or 
otherwise confuse or 
complicate the order project.  We are all volunteers at Yankee Permaculture 
and we need your 
cooperation to continue to provide you with unique and useful 
permaculture-related information.



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