[Ccpg] [Scpg] April 29: Riparian EcoManagement & Arundo Donax

ccpg-admin at arashi.com ccpg-admin at arashi.com
Thu May 3 05:00:15 PDT 2001

Good day,
In a message dated 4/18/01 9:51:49 AM, Akiva? writes:

<< Arundo Donax-Giant River Reed severely restricts native California plants 

and animals through invasive overcompetition in previously balanced 

ecosystems. >>

Hmm...is this the same species as Arundinaria Gigantea? I have a lot of it 
along my stream banks, and also in some wet areas. Seems to thrive in some 
areas but seems to be in balance with other vegetation. I'm thinking that 
perhaps shade from trees help keep it in check. Is this species a problem?

It is a form of bamboo and I understand the only true native American bamboo. 
I was thinking that it should be encouraged.

Look forward to the list's replies. TIA..thanks in advance:)   Frank

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